I mean, I mean something more polite. Stick it in your pocket? Decide what to do with it later?
So this is our Ix, doing a standard 'combat ready' sort of pose. Because why not? I've always fancied that breast physics addition to computer games .. is it Street Fighter? No what's that Beach volleyball one DOA! That's it. Breast physics jiggling all over the place in that one. Not that I ever owned the game, but I certainly admired those fifth-of-a-second adverts that were on TV a few years back, where you got juuust enough of a look to realise "HEY! Those boobs are moving!!! I must buy this game!". The trick didn't work on me because I didn't buy the game, but let's face it, it's an endearing image which has stuck in my mind ever since.
Boob physics, eh? Can't beat it. Anyway so I've tried to knock together some boob jiggles manually for this animation, simply applying sine-wave y-axis and lateral changes to her breasts a few frames after the motion of her hips (which move her whole torso), meaning there's a little delay between where the body goes and where her breasts follow, hopefully giving some impression that they have some weight to them, some momentum.
And why bother? Because boobs.
Yes I am childish. Here she is in slow-mo (click to view full size gif)