Tuesday 29 September 2015

Comic's not done ... give it a week

EDIT: woops, next comic's up to 82 pages now! Comiczilla.

Argh sorry guys/gals I've been totally hit by a massive work project! Damn I was so close to completing and spaffing these lovely CG beans all over the interwebs but alas! I am delayed.

You know what it's like with hobbies - sexy and fun and veeery nearly complete though they are, occasionally the real world avalanches in like a torrent of fists and dick-punches all your hard work off the desk and onto the floor, and slams down reams of very-important-must-complete-now-or-world-will-die type emergency red alert this-is-happening-now things.

So I'm taking my desperate ten minutes break to claw out a quick blog post - thanks for comments on previous article, but in case you are checking every day, and desperately trying to keep that erection alive, I'd say let it go.


For about a week or so. Then check back.

To keep you going, here's a couple of non-spoiler pages from it. Yes the Wraith is out of port and in space!

Wednesday 23 September 2015

On the edge ...

OK, so to break with tradition I've actually CHANGED MY MIND a little bit and the new comic is not going to include the scenes I meant to.

This is because to do them justice (and oh man they need doing justice), the comic was getting into the 100-pages region. Which is crazy. So I've made a reasonable chop and will just add some of the funtimes to the next comic.

No biggie, and it means the new one will be out sooner :)

We're at about 75 pages currently; all that's left to do now is a little 2-page conclusionary thing and a few comicy tidy-ups; speech bubbles that sort of thing.

I've even done the cover, which I normally stress about till the end, but in this instance just sort of appeared during one of the rendering sessions - "That's the cover right there", I thought to myself, which keeps things easy. I think I can probably even reveal the title though: comic 17 will be called [drum roll ...]


Catchy huh? And not hugely mature. But who cares, sometimes the best ideas come from a childlike freedom to do stupid stuff. To be honest, normally by this stage in the comic I have a good feel for how good it's going to be. This is definitely a good one - well, I think so. It's subtle and sexy and stuff happens and everyone's involved somewhere. It's a bit like Bum Deal except with more people and more plot-motion, which is pretty much what I was hoping for. Good times :)

Tuesday 15 September 2015


OK so I've finished 90% of the rendering for the upcoming comic and we're at ... 70 pages!

Blimey. That's a lot.

If I were selling these things, I'd be splitting it up into three mini acts, milk that cash cow for all it's worth. But I'm not motivated by money and let's face it the plot could do with some proper things happening so I'd prefer to release it in one big comic spurt and stop fannying around.

Things that are resolved in this one: not everything, but the stage is finally set and the shit well and truly kicks off. Also thingy and thingybob finally get a bit closer. But they probably don't do the actual thing with the contorted faces and the lots-of-backwards-and-forwards-hips, so don't hold your breath that'll have to wait until an undefined time in the future. They're the best, those undefined times!


Anyway. Watch this space.


Could still take a fortnight to finish, but we're thinking about almost being nearly there.

So watch this space.

But not too closely.

I dunno, fly casual.