What would you like to see me do a comic about?
It was only halfway through 'A Fairy Good Deal' that it occurred to me I could change the ending to a dream/drugged sequence in order to match it up to the ongoing SpaceTrekFleetWars plot - I'd actually started without that intention, thinking I'd just do a weird Tinkerbell fantasy comic. Because Tinkerbell is hot.
Here's the point - I've been wondering about doing some sort of dream sequence, or a new in (or altered) a character to completely change what's going on - and although I have a few plans it'd be cool to hear what the good people of the internet think too!
So what should I do? Take a look in your brains and let me know - what comic (not neccesarily one of mine) inspired the most sub-plot fantasies? Where would you like to see the plot go if there were no logical constraints? Who would dream about what?
What if Becky got infected with a nano virus and got shrunk to eight inches tall and had to be carried round in Ix's cleavage? What if Xho made errors with his spacetime experiments and was made invisible? If Zan dreamed about being an ancient queen? If they were attacked by a confused but benevolent space squid? Doesn't have to be our crew, there's loads of ways of weaving it into the plot somehow even if it's totally new / irrelevant characters.
No holds barred.

How would you earn it? What if a normal bloke was transported to the crew, how would he play it, really? What if Tom got half-stuck in a Tacspace simulation and was made too big to fit down the corridors? What if Xho started dreaming about tickle fights with Ix when they were younger, but the dream escalated? Oh wait that's basically what happened with Becky in Daydreaming..
Anyway, I'm all ears and you guys are all anonymous so be brave! GO GO GO!
Okay, so the gang is fiddling with something techy or timey-wimey or whatever, like a wonky medbay scanner or the ship's warp drive or the tacspace generator, anything really. Suddenly, ZOTZ, a malfunction, and Ix gets zapped/spooged/something and bam! There's two Ixes. No one knows which one is the real one (or even if there is an original), but no one cares because its not an evil twin or the "crazy" one situation, they are both identical, fun-loving awesome horny Ixes. The expected shenanigans ensue, with Ix watching herself do the others, or hooking up with her self. We later learn that after a while, the Ixes duplicate again! Four Ixes, now there's an Ix for everyone else! Maybe the gang has a sex race to see who can get their Ix off the quickest, or something sexier that only a female author can come up with. Ix-only orgies! This may be an opportunity for Ix and Xho to settle affairs, so to speak, with both or either of them taking advantage of the weirdness of the situation to come to terms. Then things take a turn for the dramatic, as again, after a while, the Ixes duplicate to 8, then 16. Everyone realizes there may be a need to fix this situation before they're drowning in Ixes. One boring technobabble scene later (unless you spice it up by having the discussion occur while everyone is fondling/snogging an Ix), the magic button is pushed and either A) we go back to one Ix (maybe she retains the memories off all her duplicates so as to keep any character developments), or B) The duplicating just stops and however many Ixes there are at that point part ways with the main cast as friends, and fly off to form their own separate rock band/mercenary army/mobile gangbang. Punchline: the story could be titled "Ix-plosion", or "Ix-ponential Growth". "The Trouble with Ixes"? Nahh.
Yeah, there hasn't been enough Ix in the last two comics, so two Ixes in the next is only fair. Also, Portal-style portals.
Hahaha! Omg that's a great idea, and it even comes with the titles! Amazing work, my friend.
Definitely one to ponder, that one. I love the idea of it getting out of hand and there being corridors full of Ixes. Maybe the original can say "Enough is enough", and just slaughter her way through the lot, or one of them dies by accident and its memories get reverted back to the original, so they all decide to go on a killing spree. Or a nicer way to recombine.. a long enough kiss with the original and *pop* back it goes.
It's definitely got potential, no arguing there :)
You're right - I hadn't noticed we've been a bit Ix-light recently, because I've been doing the test/alternative renders using her. There was going to be a comic with just her & Xho, but I've delayed that now, so maybe I'll have to find a way to weave her back into the mix..
Idea originator here, I like the recombination idea, though clearly the method of merging would have to go further than first base, if you catch my drift (and know that particular baseball euphemism).
What about one of our crew start dreaming of what will happen if they can't accelerate : finding a way to get supplies (hydroponic deck or else) then the crew is aging, babies are born then grow up then make babies themselves, the taboo of incest dispelled by the isolation...
Maybe Zan will appear to have a great longevity (better if the dreamer is her) and will mix herself with the children and guide them. The dream explores the melting of the DNAs over the generations through the same atmosphere of freelove with a succession of scenes in which we will see Zan aging slowly while the crew keep orgying.
Until they reach a port... or not.
Sorry for bad English.
:) Xho could fashion some sort of recombination device that needs to be worn by the originator and 'inserted' into each copy..
There's a bit in South Park where the guy designs that bike thing powered by putting dicks in you, and they ask him "Why are there dicks all over it? It doesn't seem neccesary" and he's just like "Well, you could use a steeringwheel or whatever, I just thought dicks made sense"
Could have a similar thing with Xho - once all the copies are recombined and Ix is exhausted, she could ask Xho "So why did the recombination device have to look like a strap-on?" and he'd be like "Well, I mean it could be anything but I guess ... I dunno it just seemed sensible at the time."
Wow yeah, that actually sounds like real hard scifi - the whole concept of witnessing aging and DNA mixes while stranded in space is about as bleak as it gets!
Getting to that whole 1970s hardcore scifi vibe there - where it's all about the human condition and psychology of instinct. Great ideas for a decent book there, definitely :)
Glad you like it. :)
There's always the ol' cliche' body swap thing. If the gals all ended up inside the others bodies then Becky might discover what Zan's head tenticle thingies really feel, Ix could discover what it's like to be taller and Zan could just enjoy the new perspective, mostly getting off on how the other two are reacting. And of course Tom gets to reap the rewards of all the women wishing to test their new environments as it were. Not the most original but one of the most build / render resource friendly.
Similar but different... what if the re-combo device is something simple, unobtrusive and light weight like a head band or bracelet but to make it function she needs to bring the pseudo-clone to orgasm by any means available. This allows you the same end point exhaustion but also allows her a variaty of . . . ahem . . . positons, even allowing her to take on many at one time near the end because, "Doing this one at a time is going to kill me before we finish!"
Oh! And if Zan did wind up inside Ix's body as I suggested, then she could serve as a perfect bridge point to your all Ix / Xho story issue because... Zan and Xho have alreay slept together. Between that and her caring and gentle nature she'd be able to use that toehold as a way to introduce Xho to Ix's body with Zan's conciousness - helping Xho past part of his seeming hang-up a step at a time.
Then once everyone is back in their own bodies they could springboard from what happened between Xho and Zan/Ix into what it meant to each of them and where they'd like to go from there.
I mention all of this because Dreaming is one of my favorite things you've done storywise because the build up is SO wonderfully hot. This could be used as a platform for a similar build up in my estimation.
However just because I'm all proud of my concept means nothing. Do what you do because I know I'm going to love it anyway! Thanks!
Yeah that'd be a nice way to stretch the encyclopaedia of positions in my comics! She'd have to work through a few different approaches in order to avoid RSI haha
Yeah I touched on the bodyswap thing in Breakfast in Tacspace, but the crew didn't have time to savour it properly then - it's not a bad idea!
I like the thing of Zan having Ix's body and pushing the agenda forward with Xho a little, that's good thinking. Or the other way round - Ix and Zan keeping the swap secret and Ix using Zan's body to get intimate with Xho without his realising..
And when you say 'Dreaming' is one of your fave things I've done storywise, what do you mean? You mean like the brother-sister upstairs thing, where they get caught initially and then Becky tries to seduce Tom with that cowboy outfit?
Aye. The whole dance. The will-we-or-won't-we seduction that sort of started both ways upstairs before getting caught but then Becky pushed forward with the cowboy outfit. That is at least as hot as the payoff sex itself. Amazing sexual tension you should be proud of.
BTW, I love your idea of Ix using Zan's body to push the agenda. Very clever! I probably suggested what I did because there would be less subterfuge and thus less potential for unwanted drama, but maybe the drama is wanted? I don't know. : )
And thank you not only for the kind words but for your work in general. Rock on!
The most wonderful thing about dream sequences is that you can do so much. There's soooOOOOOoooo much freedom. (and by 'freedom' I mean opportunity to hit as many kinks/fetishes/OMG I didn't know that was hot until I saw it! as can be dreamt of by humankind)((with apologies to any alien life forms who may be writing Earth Internet and stumbled across this page)).
Dreams just do such a wonderful job of telling reality to fuck off. I'll be right back. I'm gonna go review some things and then spit ball a couple of ideas!
Whelp. I just binge read the entire series yesterday. Man, that evening disappeared REALLY quickly... ;)
So, I really liked the chapter where everyone was playing on the TacSim Suite. What if everyone decided to go in, and secretly got to pick a new identity and then interact with each other. (Hell, it could even just be a 'lets LARP' a D&D campaign), only nobody knows who anybody else is? Frolicking ensues. The end can be a big reveal or be left as a mystery with characters dropping hints as to who they were without anyone saying anything (that could really spark the Ix/Xho scenario).
Pure Dream Sequence could even get more over the top. You've touched on size play (with Tinkerbell and Ix), and tentacles (my, is that a Lekku under your hat, or are you just happy to see me?) but there's always room for more! "Lekku Out of Control!" or "Why we don't give growth hormones to blue skinned alien chicks when the side effect is increased libido!" Bex could get 'bitchy' about something regarding Tom and you can hit the 'furry' thing, and then transform Ix into an amazon to control Bex. (Yeah, well, the fetishes keep rolling in so I'm gonna stop now before I make a mess of things. Well, MORE of a mess anyway...
Haha binge read! Yeah that's the sort of fan dedication I like! (I thought I was the only one that did that..)
Like the idea of the 'who dunnit' tacspace mystery, that could have some airtime..
Ta da! I've done it. She's woven back into the upcoming comic. You're welcome. But you'll have to wait until the comic's out to see what I've done with her..
Fanjoys: knowing you may have contributed to something you really like and enjoy!
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