... it's time for us all to say goodbye to the Space Trek Fleet Wars saga [and blog]. Its been fun. Its been good in places, even if I do say so myself. Its been sexy and cute and all sorts of things. But now that story's told, it's time to move on.

comics have been tweaked and finalised, the
3D characters and scenes have been released into the wild, I've even put the comics on
G.E-Hentai, of all bloody places. Make sure they get out there into the Global Information Super Highway, or
'Interweb' as it's known.
Astonishingly, there were over 2 million hits on my comics within a week on that site alone (see basic bar graph), so I think it's safe to say a few people have read my STFW comics. Nice to know. Wasn't all a total waste of time then :)
So a note about me: I'm going to