'Interweb' as it's known.
Astonishingly, there were over 2 million hits on my comics within a week on that site alone (see basic bar graph), so I think it's safe to say a few people have read my STFW comics. Nice to know. Wasn't all a total waste of time then :)
So a note about me: I'm going to
go radio-silent for a bit. But don't worry, if and when it's time to come back with new work I'll make it very bloody obvious. You won't need to search very hard. I'd say leave it a year or two, then do some casual googling.
Creation is wonderfully wasteful. Look at the beauty and turnover of leaves on trees, the exceptional fragility of our own lives; we are all both infinitely valuable and ultimately flawed. Free to appreciate heaven on Earth right now, and free to absolutely cock it up as well. The paradox of our humanity is what every story should be about; we'll never run out of ideas.
If you've enjoyed my comics, then cool! Thank you for taking the time to read them. I've loved chatting with you guys about it, and will be floating about on the internet for some time, don't worry. Read the comics again sometime, I certainly will. To be honest the last three or four comics were really me writing to myself, setting a sexy reminder for myself in years to come. A philosophical reminder. Plus boobs.
Keep being awesome.
Lots and lots of love!
PB x
Safe travels, you'll be missed.
I am very proud of you. It's been quite a journey. Thank you for sharing all you have. If you do get the 'jones' to do anything else with any of this, just do it (and pin a render of Ix in an old nike 'Just do it!' T-shirt to your desktop, mobile or mental implant screen, if you have to!). If no, well, the characters will live on in our imaginations (and thank goodness in the more substantial form of these comics).
Drop me a line any time.
- Agent TW
You put an incredible amount of work into this series and it shows. I wish there was some way to repay you for your effort, but all I can do is say "Thank you." It's a totally inadequate response, but maybe if a few thousand of your fans all say it, it will suffice.
Thank you for all of the joy, entertainment, cool artwork, enjoyable and/or loveable characters, and the wonderfully satisfying odyssey which you've brought to the world. Thank you for making my life a better place through your comics. I wish your calm waters and gentle breezes until next you pass by this way.
Heh. Love the Adams reference there! Well played.
This has been awesome to watch as you developed the story and I look forward to seeing your future creative endeavors! Will we get to see any odd ramblings here, or will this site be mothballed again?
You will be missed. I will thank you here and now for all the information, and help, you have given me. I will not forget it. I will be keeping my little eye on the future of your work, and the future of the things you do.
All good things must come to an end, and while I'm sad to see that the STFW series is over, I've very grateful for having been able to follow it for its run. Your unique style of spunky, snarky, irreverent sexiness was something I have found nowhere else. It had comedy and heart, yet was still unbelievably hot, making it something of a unicorn in comics of this type.
I'm very much looking forward to seeing whatever it is that you do next.
Well if this is it, you will be missed no doubt. Good luck in all you do and if you get bit by the old creation bug once more, hope I'm around to see it. Take care. x
Easily one of the best adult comics around. Very few comics have such a great mix of comedy, characterization, plot, charm, and just plain fun as this series. Ix, Tom, and the whole gang will be missed!
Thanks for giving us this wonderful series!
Thank you for allowing us to share a portion of your galaxy - I seem to recall saying something similar to George Lucas.
Great artwork, interesting characters and of course - tits.
Many Thanks once again.
Thank you from a French man who likes SiFi and adult stories. Great, nice and beautifull. I dreamed from a life like this.
Thank you so much, you brought a bit of kindness to this world. Thank you.
MEEEEEEEN i just finish reading all the commics and, MEEEEEN why do you have to stop right now , i'm so sad about it and also sad about the fact that the series end i want more of it, shit please comeback the quickest possible your doing a great job , and i know what i say don't really mater but, men, i love your job and i hope you'l come back soon ^^ anywhay good continuation and see ya !
I had discovered the previous version a couple of years ago and loved it then. That was after you went on hiatus the first time. I was sad because it was soooo good. Real characters and real situations.
Now I discovered the finished version on E-hentai and was blown away. Even better than before. More erotic, more sensual, and incredible art.
But what was even better was the characterization, dialogue, plot, and storytelling. You are a genius! I will really miss the characters. They were like old friends.
I've been reading comics since the 1960s and I never expected to find an erotic comic that would make me cry.
Thank You.
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