Little bit of character development. No he's not going to join the crew, but he is a badass in his own way. This guy's a goodie, for sure.
I'm doing that thing, you know when you're halfway through a thing and instead of concentrating on that thing, you do the thing where your mind wanders to three things ahead and you start to plan and build the sets/required bits for that thing? I'm doing that thing.
It's fine, seems to be part of how I work, a nice little brain-relaxation technique I guess, stops me getting bogged-down in the current scenario and lets it run free in the hills of a possible future.
So here we are, an old bloke in a white Dr No suit and no doubt some comfortable slippers. Nothing to prove, this guy. How he fits in with our plot will become clear in the fulness, but suffice to say (and as always..) don't hold your breath. These things take time, and unlike the weekly comic artists whose job it is to produce comics, I am more like a couple-of-comics-a-year kinda person, they come in flurries and then go very quiet. Sorry about that.
Work, eh? Can't live with it, can't live without it. Well you can, you just have to get used to exclusively eating pulses and that's not a commitment I'm willing to make right now. Much happier being able to afford unusual beers and ironically needing to plough through them to relax at the end of an insane workload of a day.
It'll chill out though, always does. Seasons of woe and stress do tend to tail off and that makes living in between all the sweeter. So I'm holding out, knuckling under, and letting the little brain do some wandering through the forests for a bit.
Also on the cards: bamboo forests. It'll make sense in the next-but-one comic, I think. Little bit of Zen required for our crew I believe. Time for some closure and some taking stock. It'll happen. Probably not in the upcoming immediate comic, but it'll happen.
That's the best bit really, slipping into some comfortable trousers and flipflops, and padding through the woods, letting the stress leak out of you like water from a porous vase. So I've been creating bamboo forests and wise old men, hoping that one day when my workload calms down, art and reality will meet and I can slip into the bath of contented rest.
Another fine looking character, some little pilots Grandpa perhaps? And waxing poetic there at the end!
Hey you did well to read to the end! I have a habit of wittering on :)
At least you have some wit in your wittering. ;) And waxing poetic is, I'm sure, a heap sight more enjoyable than other sorts of waxing.
He has the ever-youthful elf thing going. There's a bit of Thundercat to 'im too eh? Can hear Tom now, tossing off the obligatory, "Go Thundercats!" I look forwards to seeing him shuffle, as one may in comfortable slippers, into this nifty comic 'verse you have going.
Heha thanks! The thundercats link was totally subconscious but you're right, he'd fit in nicely to that universe too. I must've spent too long watching those sexy cats as a kid, they've ended up guiding my design decisions right into adulthood! Ha. The human brain eh, Tricky flipping maze of wonderment I tell ya
Thanks. Waxing poetic wasn't intentional, it was one of those pour-out-of-you-when-you're-tired sort of deals. Didn't even proof read it, I was too tired, think I just typed as fast as my fingers could go and then hit post and switched off for a snooze. Sometimes the most natural stuff takes the least effort I guess :)
He looks cool. The idea that he has nothing to prove to anyone spoke volumes to me! On the waxing portion (not that kind of waxing...sheesh) if too find that some things just flow, and you hit post when you're done, because editing and fiddling with it is exactly NOT what you want to do and would only break it apart in the end.
Unrelated to relavant to my interest; how do you define Unusual Beers? I've been hitting the micro breweries around my region and enjoying some really unique crafts. I recently had one that made Nachos seem bland in terms of spice, and another that tasted reminiscent of chocolate milk. Chocolate milk that would land you on your ass very quickly, but that's what stouts are made to do!
Ah now you're talking my language! Was typing a really big reply but figured I'd just turn it into a booze-related blog post :)
[hurries away to go and read!]
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