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The closer she gets, the harder I become... |
Just need to do about 10 more renders and put together the last little bits and POW! It'll be new comic time :D
So this one [as always] is a bit different. There's no real consistency is there? I mean there's a bit of character consistency between my comics I think, but like some of the comics themselves are all-plot [Spymaster], some are all-boobs [Fairy Good Deal, Bum Deal], and some are kinda weird daydreamy sequences stitched together [Breakfast in Tacspace, Daydreaming, Pilot Plaything]. This is a new type of comic, where the first half (like 40 pages or so) is all plot, and the second half is ALL TITS. Wow, imagine a whole spaceship filled with tits and you open the airlock door wondering why they haven't been communicating and then there's just like this tsunami of breasts pouring through the hatch and you're like AARGH!!! Scifi is hard yearrghhh!! Make it staahp!!!! DO NOT WAAANT!!!
But I digress: HALF PLOT! YEAH WOOOOP! "We freaking love plot!", I hear you cry. And yeah, plot gives me a major boner too, I know what you mean. Damn, if only more sexy comiccy things were just pure plot and chatting and arguments, wow we'd be having so much more fun I can tell ya!
OK I'm being sarcastic, nobody likes plot when they're after boobies and willies, but listen it's all part of the story, this one.
And anyway once the background's setup, the build-up gets some explanation; the words die down and the clothes drop off, and the serious stuff begins in earnest.
Funny thing about 40 pages of no sex, though, let's face it, is some people are going to flick through the comic looking for some quick pr0n, and be disappointed. Their nursed semi will disappear by page 10, and by page 20 they'll be like NOPE. I have to admit it gives me great pleasure not to care about that, safe in the knowledge that my real fans will read on, get drawn into the strange little spacey world I've conjured up, and then the payoff will begin.
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"Shit. Guess I can keep it in my pants one last time." |
Do expect boobies, willies, bums, kissing, little hints of things that aren't explained but will make sense later, full-on intercourse, tentacle sex, some horsing around, stupid gags to do with English politics, some major teasing, pinched bottoms, and a lot of fudged physics jokes.
Oh, also, don't sit here hitting refresh all night: it's going to take me at least until next week to finish it so don't get too excited yet.