Monday, 22 February 2016

The final straight

The closer she gets, the harder I become...
Heads up - we're nearly there - 105 pages done! Yeeaaaayyyy!!!!

Just need to do about 10 more renders and put together the last little bits and POW! It'll be new comic time :D

So this one [as always] is a bit different. There's no real consistency is there? I mean there's a bit of character consistency between my comics I think, but like some of the comics themselves are all-plot [Spymaster], some are all-boobs [Fairy Good Deal, Bum Deal], and some are kinda weird daydreamy sequences stitched together [Breakfast in Tacspace, Daydreaming, Pilot Plaything]. This is a new type of comic, where the first half (like 40 pages or so) is all plot, and the second half is ALL TITS. Wow, imagine a whole spaceship filled with tits and you open the airlock door wondering why they haven't been communicating and then there's just like this tsunami of breasts pouring through the hatch and you're like AARGH!!! Scifi is hard yearrghhh!! Make it staahp!!!! DO NOT WAAANT!!!

But I digress: HALF PLOT! YEAH WOOOOP! "We freaking love plot!", I hear you cry. And yeah, plot gives me a major boner too, I know what you mean. Damn, if only more sexy comiccy things were just pure plot and chatting and arguments, wow we'd be having so much more fun I can tell ya!

OK I'm being sarcastic, nobody likes plot when they're after boobies and willies, but listen it's all part of the story, this one.

And anyway once the background's setup, the build-up gets some explanation; the words die down and the clothes drop off, and the serious stuff begins in earnest.

Funny thing about 40 pages of no sex, though, let's face it, is some people are going to flick through the comic looking for some quick pr0n, and be disappointed. Their nursed semi will disappear by page 10, and by page 20 they'll be like NOPE. I have to admit it gives me great pleasure not to care about that, safe in the knowledge that my real fans will read on, get drawn into the strange little spacey world I've conjured up, and then the payoff will begin.

"Shit. Guess I can keep it in my pants one last time."
Couple of things to note [slight spoilers]: (1) Ix and Xho do not get it on properly in this one. Sorry about that. Just a little more flirting to make the main event more believable. OK and a little bit of touching. Remember touching and your heart sets your face on fire? That. (2) I didn't really have space to go into what happens with a couple of the crew members who haven't met before, but there's some nice suggestion if you read slowly. (3) I'm aiming at finishing this plot thread properly in comic 20, so each comic [18, 19, 20] has to fit certain things in before we're free and onto more independent whacky plots [thousands of Ixes, Tom's birthday surprise, stuff like that], so don't expect too much craziness.

Do expect boobies, willies, bums, kissing, little hints of things that aren't explained but will make sense later, full-on intercourse, tentacle sex, some horsing around, stupid gags to do with English politics, some major teasing, pinched bottoms, and a lot of fudged physics jokes.


Oh, also, don't sit here hitting refresh all night: it's going to take me at least until next week to finish it so don't get too excited yet.


Bahamut said...

haha, hitting refresh is almost a second nature at the moment. but i'm a huge fan of youre work not just for the boobies and stuff, but because you DO have a plot in the whole thing. i love the story, i love the karakters and off course i love all the sex it involves. and i totally agree with you that there are not enough comics around like yours. but the good part of that is, that you have a (in my opinion) very unique comic. wich a love to wait for....
keep up the good work!!!

Tora-no-shi 1369 said...

Yay, plot. I'm not joking. I love the story behind the boobs, willies, and bums. Even though you do a great job with the boobs, willies, and bums stuff. I love the whole thing. I am axously awaiting the finish of the comic. It's a nice relaxing break from writing, for me. I'm at 23 written pages and no boobs, willies, or bums. I am hoping to get the major characters together first. There are a few hints here and there. :)

Three of Swords said...

Is "Hitting Refresh" a euphemism for something? ;)

Ixes said...

Th-thousands!... :drool:

Anonymous said...

Waiting with baited breath. Love your work since your very first comic, been following ever since.

Project Bellerophon said...

Haha you'll be dehydrated by the time we get there though, don't drool too much! And maybe thousands is a bit optimistic, I think my computer would crash after about 8 Ixes, so I'm probably thinking more along the lines of *really* enjoying two or three new ones.. maybe a few Beckys for Tom (he has a hard time that chap, I need to start being nice to him)

Project Bellerophon said...

Thanks so much :D

Project Bellerophon said...

Yeah when you get into creating it, you realise how many pages you really need to make a conversation remotely realistic / believable. I could easily knock out 100 pages purely on a single awkward conversation that leads nowhere! All fun and games :)

Project Bellerophon said...

Fuck yeah! Story from someone who's actually had awkward relationships and great sex! Woop woop!

Project Bellerophon said...

Thanks, you obviously have great taste! :D

Project Bellerophon said...

If I'm involved ... pretty much :)

Project Bellerophon said...

OMG it's just occurred to me, 'The Fappening' would be such a great title for a comic!

Ah, it's fun being childish with an anon online blog :D

*back to the real world*
*dreary meetings and spreadsheets zzzz*

Anonymous said...

You're building the suspense rather too well this time... will keep hitting refresh

HesitationWounds said...

Never heard of a good artist who said: "Yep, my life has been great so far. No problems or awkward situations and i only read about the nega-pony on this strange blog"

A gift and a curse i guess. But yeah, as everyone here: Came for boobs, stayed for the story..then came because of boobs. Keep rocking, mr. phon!

Project Bellerophon said...

Haha, I lolled; and thanks it's cool to think some people on the planet get me :)

Project Bellerophon said...

Heh, yeah the long delay isn't purposeful I promise! Leave it til late next week before you check again, otherwise that F5 button is going to get worn out for no reason!

Project Bellerophon said...

Crickey, we're at 110 pages! Bit of a monster, this one; we'll be at about 120 by the end I reckon O_O

Dan said...

It'll take as long as it takes, it'll be worth it and I'm looking forward to it all. Sounds like you're enjoying it too and that makes all the difference.

Tittily Winks said...

Back off Ix, back off - the pressure gauge went straight through overload, the auto-erupt warnings were triggered and it's still soaring higher! Oh... it's gotta hit all the way up to 'Xho 'Nuff!' for him to take the hint? Well in that case, closer, closer. tee hee ah, good job he's an alien. Think you've shot another image into the top ranks there with that Ix/Xho one on this entry, capturing the situ-dash-dilemma and character expression of his eleva-er, I mean revelation, it's brilliant.

Gah! Ix, Xho, they're so... how do you restrain from playing with 'em long enough to get any sleep?!

> "And anyway once the background's setup, the build-up gets some explanation; the words die down and the clothes drop off, and the serious stuff begins in earnest."

Oo. I hear you, I hear you. Willing your (and your processors) more strength! Any wealthy benefactors out there, just think what she could do with a server farm to zip out renders at the push o' the button. Yes, 'twould promote understanding, peace and fapping in the world, indeedy.

120 pages? Let it pour, like honey on my tastebuds. It's all good. All good. More the merrier, as Robin said (the good Hood, you know). And the way the world is these daze, lots of people could use more merriness. It is good for you.

*pic of finger pressing F5 here* :)

Tittily Winks said...

You know this world ain't right when it makes something boring out of something called 'spreadsheets'. It shouldn't be. It shouldn't be.

Tittily Winks said...

But Becky likes giving him a hard time. Why, if she had more time, it's possible she'd give him a harder time, more of the time. Would giving Tom more Beckys be nice or just give him a harder time more of the time? But then, he would find that nice. ...Ah, so either way, that's more Beckys then. Right.

You do come up with the most delicious situations. :)

Tittily Winks said...

So true. At least I'm that way trying to write anything. It must be a lot trickier with visual-based media. The phrase 'show not tell' is all the more crucial to bear in mind, but that can be limiting. Anyway few convos in any media are realistic (and the likelihood measures contrary to its potential importance!); oft' one can just hope what it's boiled down to still works.

But then, one may have the best time enjoying a wonderful jazz solo or lovely music whether it goes anywhere or not. If it's good, it's good. And you've a good way with character interaction. Wouldn't be surprised to enjoy reading 100 pages of your comic purely on a single awkward conversation that leads nowhere. :)

Anonymous said...

Dude, this is awesome. Please keep it up.

Project Bellerophon said...

Ooh, I dunno re: media types: I think written must be harder - I've never been good at describing what I mean, showing an expression can cover a few hundred lines of my not quite being able to describe the emotion I mean! Agreed on the boiling-down process - I guess it's like holding the subtlety in your head and trying to turn that into transferable media so the viewer/reader gets what you mean. End of the day, it's going to be luck whether that transfers or not!

And thank you (re para 2), I'll keep enjoying putting scenes together, safe in the knowledge I don't need to please the "Why did it take 50 pages to get to the sex?!" chaps :)

Project Bellerophon said...

I'm sure it'd be a nice-problem-to-have kinda thing for Tom. Am pondering a birthday surprise comic for him, where Luce cooks up some Slowtime concoction that keeps him goin in a constant state of high-speed something something with the girls. Needs a treat, that boy

Project Bellerophon said...


Project Bellerophon said...

Hehe thanks :)

That image needs a bit of work, truth be told; it's too 'flat', and there's poke-through a go-go, naughty polygons jumping all over the place.

But we're getting there; 120 all done now, and just the sheen to add. Give it three days, I reckon. Tidying up 120 pages is no mean feat, damn I need to keep that count down for the next comics!

Project Bellerophon said...

Thanks for the patience :D

Your comic is important to us. You are the next comic we will produce. You are number {[THREE]} in the queue. Your comic is important to us ...

Project Bellerophon said...

Dude, I'll try! Thanks :)

Tittily Winks said...

Wish I could help ya.

Yea there's some rough CGI misalignments or whatever and lighting's dim, but I took it as a 'bonus pic' sort of thing so, wasn't fussed. No worries, no hurries, just enjoy the hobby. :)

Great times [ qualifier ] in some ways [ /qualifier ], isn't it? DIY CGI plus blogs where one can share it, post updates, outtakes, yak and all that. Amazing stuff. None of that around just a short time ago.

Project Bellerophon said...

Yep, definitely makes me feel old, esp considering how many years I've been dicking about with this particular [futuristic] hobby. Time I grew up, no doubt, stopped encouraging others astray into the seedy world of nonsense incestuous romping! Such nonsense, so boobs, many bum.