Bit of a play around for an upcoming scene in the hard vacuum of space; a few renders of a be-suited Ix, ready for space combat fun-times pew-pew!
OK, I cheated and combined a few freebie spacesuit props, but tbh for zero pounds and a little tweaking I'm pretty pleased with the
Space suit with underboob? Highly approve
Love the look. Agree on the underboob.
I couldn't agree more !
Underboob needs overboob to, don't like the breast plate crossing the cleavage.
As I'm sure you all agree cleavage is one of the best things in life and that it's a crime against nature to hide it
Superb. The underboob reveal is awesome. It all works great.
Haha so funny you all mention the underboob thing!
Tbh it was a necessity - I tried fitting that chest plate on her and her ample bossom wouldn't fit (you can see they're squished enough as it is in image 2), so the plating had to rotate up - just like it would IRL. It's a female stormtrooper-ish design, so would normally the chest armour would snug down to the abdomen armour.
Poor little Ix, ample boob problems.
You make a good point about the underboob, but how about making the crotch plate a thong back over her suit to highlight her arse?
Her wardrobe accommodations are our pleasure. : )
What about writing "Easy Access" on the front of the crotch plate and "Rear Access" on the back with arrows pointing to the good parts.
Were you influenced by I Robot?
Got to love freebies.
Haha :D
There's a lot of similarities eh. I just grabbed the freebie armour though, so can't take credit for the design/influences :)
IKR?! I've literally spent £0 on any of my comics!! Srsly.
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