Oh no, wait a minute, there is one complex group scene coming up. Ah well, most of the difficult stuff's done at least.
And there's a few nice chuckles in there; I literally giggled out loud putting the words on a page today, which is
always a good sign. Although that said, it might just be me thinking I'm funny, and that's always a bad sign, so I guess we'll have to wait and see what the rest of the internet thinks.
Ah, Luce. Looking pretty
mean there love.
That's the pre-render for a redone version of where Luce goes into Slowtime. She's involved in a space battle again so I have the excuse to re-use that lovely scene in the Wraith. I just liked the lighting and camera angle from the end of Space Tits Ding-Dong Rub-A-Dub, where Luce injects herself with the Slowtime drug.
This time around we'll skip the injection but catch her having a high-speed
information exchange with Victor. Obviously being an android, Victor can process conversations etc at a higher rate than normal, so I thought it'd be fun to make use of the fact that two of our characters can connect in such an unusual way, via super fast subspace comms, while the rest of the world is experiencing relatively slow-motion battle mayhem.
Lots of other little sci-fi twists in this one, and it seems it'll have more sex scenes than any other comic I've done, which is funny as going into it I thought it might be a bit 'dry'. Apparently not, they just keep crowbarring in there.
There's also more physics than in any of the other comics, and FINALLY, we get to see that hot flipchart diagram action too! I know, I know; you people can't wait, eh? Phwoar!
Glad to hear things are coming along.
Back in the saddle is right and Becky's saddle never looked better.
Any images of Zan's sweet baps???
Just asking.
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