Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Drum roll ... the next comic will be called ...

 ... Project Nemesis! What the ... I know, right?!

All the rendering's done; it's 256 pages! Perfect techie/binary-friendly number to end on, there. Only jobs left are (1) the juicy, spermy, drippy bits, and (2) a read-through to spot any errors. Shouldn't take too long but (1) always takes a week or two - so don't hold your breath juuuust yet.

Anyway, here are the first two pages of comic 20. As it's so bloody long, I've split it into Acts like a long play. Gives the
audience a chance to go for a piss, get another few beers. And in this case, maybe mop up a bit. Seriously, if you thought comic #19 was good (which I did), this one is literally
a better comic in nearly every way. Total surprise, that. I thought it'd be short and plot-y, but no!

So how've we all been?


Anonymous said...

Well done, can't wait to read the full comic! You're a genius! Kind of! :)

Ox7579 said...

Is it just me or does that star cluster on page two look like a vagina?

Or do I need new glasses?

TWCBS said...


Peter May said...

Yeahhhh! Waiting with baited breath. (or is that short pants?) Made myself that promise with my new book i started. the last one was sooo long, this will be shorter, hope i have better luck than you, lol. Power to you!!

Belle said...

That's the Milky Way starfield - if you see a vagina, maybe you don't need glasses but ... err counselling? No joke; couldn't recommend it highly enough! :D

Anonymous said...

Daaaaamn I can't waaaaiiiitt. 256 pages !!!! How many times will I need to go though all these pages xD. Thank you so much for this comic :)

Ox7579 said...

Tried to see a counselor once but she got scared, that's not a joke, I got the referral letter to prove it ;-)

P.s that was for PTSD not bad eyesight.

Belle said...

Hey join the PTSD Club! We're the best! *PTSD high-five*

Worth trying again, some counselors are out of their depth or been doing it too long & get jaded. I know it takes energy to find the right fit, but it's been a positive-cycle type thing for me.

Belle said...

I'll take 'kind of' haha!

Belle said...

I mean ... even knowing the context of that quote ... lolgross

Belle said...

I just test-read it through again! Definitely worth a SQUEEEEEEE or two!!! :D

Belle said...

Haha yeah it sucks how things can drift on. I guess cos I knew this was the last chapter in the STFW saga, I wanted to fit in a bunch of ideas I knew would otherwise go to waste. Need to stop haha! Epic.

Belle said...

Many, many times. You'll need to keep well hydrated, too.

Ox7579 said...

PTSD high five back to you too, it's a small world indeed.
When I first got diagnosed I tried all the usual treatments

Heavy drinking,


Fucking... Did I mention drinking??

What worked for me was my new born niece, she made me into a better man.
And I can stop saying I'm fine, and start saying and meaning I'm great.
Because you know from therapy that F.I.N.E. means Freaked-out, Insecure, Neurotic and Emotional, so being great means so much more:-)

Jerem said...

Can't wait for your final masterpiece :)

TWCBS said...

Ok. I just took a hard look at the words you have making up the infinity symbol. I like what you've done there! I particularly like the escape vectors you've included both in the negative and the positive frames. I was a little confused by the negative one having its own 'spur'. Frankly, unless it's story related, you may not need it as it detracts from the symmetry of the design. I really do enjoy all the little details you include in each of these stories! Can't wait for the weekend!!!

Belle said...

Yeah that's why I released the cover a week early, so some people would take a proper look at that thing; I had to experience every aspect of it myself before I could raw it haha! The escape from Hatred - yeah it doesn't help the symetry much, but I think it's really important people know there are no dead-ends in life. We tell ourselves we get into these "I'm a dick", "I'm just awful", "I'm full of hatred and that's just who I am" traps and don't think there's any way out because it's just our identity. Anyway I think it's a lie and I think anyone can be free of them. So that's what this comic's about :)

Plus tits.