But rest assured: (1) There will be epic, I mean literally epic, amounts of nudity in the final comic. Just unprecedented by a factor of at least three. (2) There will be great big colossal volumes of sexiness. Just totally unheard of amounts. (3) There are some decent gags in there, even quite
a few I haven't nicked from sitcoms, but genuinely original. Doesn't always happen, that. Not something you can plan for. So that's good, cos it suggests my creativity/freedom is on the up. (4) Not only does the final comic tie everything together and answer a ton of unanswered questions, but (5) there's a buttload of ethics/ethos storytelling. Which might sound lame but let's face it, we are a species which is affected by emotions and our beliefs, so to deny ourselves either is to select isolation and mediocrity. So let's bloody discuss that shit, right?!
Come on humanity, pull yer bloody finger out. We can discuss our vitally important ethos and be honest about our emotional states without putting others down now, can't we? Sure we can. So let's do that! Yay!
The plan is to get some free time over the next few weeks and maybe finish the bloody thing. I'm not even going to say how many pages it is right now because it's getting ridiculous. But if I was a master of some sort, this would totes be the masterpiece. Nice way to end a series, if you ask me. How it should be, rather than fizzling out.
I'll release the cover image on this blog soonish probably, because that's a bit of a reveal in itself, and is a nice non-spoiler semi-intriguing amuse-bouche for you lot to ponder.
And we'll get to find out how old Hayley is. And why Tom's from three years in the past. And what the deal is with that weird Emperor. And how Fabuloso locked onto their comms way back in comic #10, and all sorts of things :)
Oh, plus there's tits.
Did I mention tits?
I don't even care that it doesn't happen, I really like seeing two girl mates on a casual naked walk down the corridors to whatever destination they might be headed (my headcanon: the showers, obv). Like, this is just everyday on the ship.
IDK personally I think in the survey all of the ones I rated the most highly had story in them and/or comedy, I think my highest rating or at least most liked one is the one where she puts the suit on and goes and rescues her brother, when she lands on that dude from outer space killing him, omg that was so fucking funny. So yeah having story in it isn't even remotely bad to me.
Since this is the last planned comic for this series story wise at least, cause who knows you might make a one off at some point for it, but I digress. Since this is the last planned one are you planning to create a new series, doing just one offs, or retiring for an undetermined amount of time?
Are there tits?
Love the light on Ix right tit on second picture, that subscatering and the amber reflex on her skin texture are just beautiful.
Great work, hope you consider creating another project, is too sad to think it's the last
Thank you!!!
P.S. please forgive my bad english, it isn't my native languaje.
Dammmnnn I can't waaaait xD
We want the comic, we want the comic, we want the... :)
How many pages? 1500 yet? :)
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