So here ... sans agenda ... are a few random renders of kit on the V4 Hayley model. I put the 'London' texture (ie. Hayley) and head morph on her eventually because the default V4 looks a bit like she's eaten a locomotive.
Alright, I admit it, I haven't completely disappeared from this blog, though you wouldn't know it for checking.
Oh wait, I was going to release some more scenes, wasn't I? Sorry, work has literally taken over; I've been too busy to sleep, let alone create free scene packs. I'll get on it soonish hopefully.
Good to see you posting again. :)
Please, please, please tell us that these are dry runs for a new character in a new comic, Belle! The fap-i-verse needs you!
I'd hoped you hadn't disappeared for good! It's always sad when a great comic creator disappears
Heh thanks dudes :)
I understand completely about work, my hobby podcast turned into almost a part time job. Glad to see you’re still around though.
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