Sunday, 30 December 2018

Good news for 2019

Do not fear, I mean I know Britain still has Brexitshambles to look forward to, and America still has that unthinkable idiot at the helm, but there are, and always will be, wonderful things out there too.

For example, there are 200 billion galaxies out there. Mind blowing, when we get context, isn't it?

All I'm saying is there are still wonderful things happening in the world. And, probably, out of the world.

<insert minor rant>
I mean, obviously the internet is not a very happy place at the mo. Twitter is still full of whining, miserable folk seething and banging their righteous faces against the extremely broken world. Facebook is a desolate wasteland of privacy fiascos and paid-for political strongmanning. Google has sold literally everything about you they can get their hands on. Amazon runs off the backs of people who live in tents and is literally stockpiling all the words it can hear from its various cheap internet-connected devices. Instagram and Snapchat still peddle an extraordinarily misogynistic framework that draws young women into self-harm and young men into self-hatred...

But still. That's just the internet.

The internet's still young, it's still learning why the words of the wise are what they are. Still lacking basic policies and wrecking its way through a destructive frontiers-themed barely-policed wild west culture.

But none of that internet stuff means the world is going to shit, it just means, as a species, we're learning how to connect in a new way. It happened with the printing press, it happened with the telephone, it needs to happen with the internet.

At the end of the day, we're still wonderful, amazing, brilliant humans, and the world is still the fantastic, ingenious, exciting planet its always been.

So here's to 2019; may we learn a new levels of patience and grace, and look inside ourselves for what we really stand for. And may 2019 be peppered with fun, booby, willy, bum comics now and then.



Anonymous said...

Glad to read you are still doing well. Your message of IRL world being good despite all the internet dumpster fire is appreciated. I live in the US out in the farmland, but commute 2 hours into the city for work. Life is good in both places, but people seem to focus on the negatives and ignore all the beauty. There is so much beauty and happiness out in the world if people are willing to see it.

P.S. - MOAR alien boobies please!

Anonymous said...

Excellent news for 2019 more like!

Anonymous said...

Great to hear that you may be returning to the most important use of the internet yet conceived, the world is a better place thanks to your excellent efforts. Enjoy and get it on.

Anonymous said...


Jerem said...

Amen to that, and happy new year

Sorry for bad english said...

Hello, world!

Youhou, glad to read news from you!

Enjoy the world, enjoy the internet, enjoy the life!


Because of you and the others like you that bring the sunshine with their words and works ;)

Samtzu said...

Life is good.... and is always preferred to the alternative (re:Not Life) Keep the faith and keep that wonderful brain of yours working.... Looking forward to your next brilliant... uh.... whatever....

Unknown said...

I keep coming back here every few days to see if there is any new posts.
I think I must be suffering IX withdrawal

Anonymous said...

Funny how i read this and felt the same in 2021. Good advice and wisdom does surpass the (Cough Cough) years