So right, someone pointed out not all the links on the comic page were active, and though they could have googled for torrents or even full d/l zips of my older comics, it would be easier if I just uploaded the comics somewhere right? There are even a few 'Shentai'-branded versions of comics kicking about, which sucks. Whoever the fuck Shentai are, they seem to want to put their logo on things they didn't create. But we forgive them for being douchenuggets, don't we, internet? Yes we do. Being Shentai is their crime, it is also their punishment xxx.
Anyway, I've uploaded the definitive versions of the comics again to my Google Drive and you can download them as zipped folders of jpegs using the links below. If you're an old fan, there's nothing new here, no secret renders or re-done scenes or anything exciting, just correct comics.
If you're a new visitor and haven't come across my comics before, it's worth noting there is an order to them, as is strongly implied by the simple numbering system. For example, '01' is the first comic, and '08' is the eighth comic. You may be able to work the rest out from there.
If you are new, the short version of what my comics are about is: well, let's be honest, incest plays a strong role. And space. And boobs and willies and bums and jokes about Ally Mcbeal and Columbo and making tea. It's basically what I wonder about when I have a spare moment late at night and I want to journey into space where ridiculously idealised males and females prance about in the buff and get inappropriately familiar with each other.
It's a wonderful, rich tapestry of nonsense that follows some slight chronological order. So if you jump in at number 05: Spymaster (for example), you would be forgiven for thinking (a) What the hell is going on?, and (b) This is shit! These would be fair statements, but rest assured if you read them in order they will likely appear less shit. And if you have a massive binge and read them all in one go, you'll likely get utterly obsessed with the whole plot and even if you thought incest was stupid before, you'll likely garner a new and unrewarding sense of the hotness of it. I did; before making these comics I had no interest in incest whatsoever! I know! True story. But now look at me; incest and manipulation are like the pivotal plot facets, constantly rearing their ugly and misshapen heads.
I'm sure Freud would give me a jolly good headbutt, but be slightly confused that my mother hasn't appeared anywhere in the comics.
Glad we've cleared that up.
Incest aside, the comics get better looking as they progress, as I learnt how to render more gooder as time went by. That's the nice thing about a hobby; if you spend hours and hours on it, you'll get better at it, even if you're an idiot.
Right. Enough about comics. What's the news with you lot then? Google now reckons 9% of my visitors are female, so we're gently improving the sausage-to-gash ratio (yes that's a gross way of putting it, no I don't care), which is super dooper.
Oh yeah, the next comic, which I very nearly basically promised in my last blog post - I know there's only an hour or so of work to be done on it, but I've been absolutely rammed with real-world events taking over my 'hobbying' time, so I'm afraid we're not on course to complete it before next week I'm afraid. Sorry about that. Not very sorry though; hey, it's a free comic. It's a good one though. So much better than Fap Club.
My goodness is it better, yes indeedy sir.
Yes indeed.
Download them in bulk:
(nb. when you click a link, the zip download icon is at the top of the page)
Download them separately:
(nb. when you click a link, the zip download icon is at the top of the page)