Thing is, being of the 'dreamer' persuasion means I just want to be away with the fairies most of the time, floating in a spaceship cabin, just being in the middle of an infinite starfield with nothing but a few good books and someone with smooth skin to stroke.
Why is that? Why do I want to ignore my work and life and just be away somewhere with no rules, no agenda, just stars and cup-a-soup?
Ok, not cup-a-soup; some decent space sushi wouldn't go amiss.
Maybe it's because of the allure of a life with no responsibility, no work or money stress. Just sex, just floating around and nibbling. Maybe I want to be a teenager again; man that was good times. But at the time you don't appreciate it, do you? You just think everything's unfair and you wish things would move faster and you could get a job and a mortgage and a dog and people would respect you.
But the truth is you're free and fit and can sleep in until 4pm and wake up with the smell of the girl/boy whose bedroom you snuck into, wait for them to get back from college. Quietly so their parents don't know you're in the house.
Nothing better.
So this scene is going to be a homage to what it is to be a teenager; that time when your only stress is what other people think of you, and you're so eager to please, so eager to learn.
Yes indeedy.
Lots of learning to be done.
Yes ma'am.
*cold shower*
Preach it. :)
Love Stonemason's scifi things. Love what you do w2ith them even more. Glad Luce is coming home to be with the others. Miss her. -- Tora-no-shi1369
I have joined the blogger world. :)
If there were "likes" on these posts, I'd push this one clear through to love. Seriously though, whenever I'm puttering at writing (sorry I've still nothing to show for it yet...) it's sometimes like what you describe here. It's not necessarily about the plot actions so much as things about the scenario or even environment. The character living.
And as for one's youth, well. "Youth's wasted on the young," the needlessly exploitative societies we put us all into... well, y'know. If we could have what we had then with our minds now - our minds boggle, that's what.
Yeah that's basically the best scenery I've got, and I didn't make any of it! I'm wondering about getting the whole crew off the main Yacht and onto the Wraith. Bit cramped with only one bed, but it might be funny for a few comics..!
There's a bit of limitation with comics, as there is no doubt with writing - nothing quite like the real thing and not quiiiite possible to describe it in a way that does it justice. Ah well, let's keep trying.
I'm planning on doing a comic entirely without speech, just expressions and looks between two or three characters, just leading each other through a silent conversation, played out in different rooms like the sort of unspoken cat-and-mouse you occasionally get in the real world.
That sounds like a lot of fun (and potentially sexy)! Or a sequential sort of play, like (just for sake of example): we see Xho setting off from workin' on his wheels for a tea; 'tween here and there, he encounters Zan, Ix, Bex and maybe more; finally makes it to tea well wrung and can't get a biscuit before he's interrupted; he then goes through it again in reverse as they're up for more; drops near the screen to answer Tom or whoever; then there's Ix waiting at the end of the day for a marathon; cue scene of others scheming what to do with Xho, all thinking he'll get fat lazing about all day. All essentially a sequence of images until the last scene. Okay, silly, but you get the idea.
Often a good idea to take advantage of a given media's strengths, too. You seem to have quite the knack for the 'comic' medium. You might be strong at film making too, especially animation, though I'd suspect the banal or worse stuff you'd probably wind up having to do wouldn't exactly be satisfying, in any sense.
Of course beyond conveying data, writing is generally strongest at speech, thoughts or articulated notions (like Shakespeare is almost constantly throwing at one). Happily arts can transcend their limitations at times if one is lucky, though that generally requires degrees of certain personal and cultural like-mindedness between the artist/writer and viewer/reader and creating writing possibly conductive to that can be quite the struggle.
I'd thought of going cgi-comic for some story ideas, but the technical side kicked my hiney before I got anywhere!
Yeah unless you can put the hours in to learn from the ground up, and don't mind running infinity trial-and-error tests, the technical side will kick most people's butts! Maybe I'm patient when it comes to rendering boobies and willies - I'm not patient in the rest of my life!
That applies to the filmmaking idea - I'd agree about the boring bits, and I'd surely end up trying to make every single scene contain nudity of some sort, leading to some very limited plotlines! Fun but narrow-minded. I'd like to think I could do a few proper scifi things, but honestly the boredom would be likely to kill me before the thing was completed. Especially with animation; it's a hundred times more tiresome and slow than working with real people.
Which brings us back to that film idea ... like maybe I should move to LA and run a film studio for a few months, see what I could come up with haha
The mind boggles
One bed, I wonder what they'd be doing there ;), and they better really like each other too. :)
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