EDIT: woops, next comic's up to 82 pages now! Comiczilla.
Argh sorry guys/gals I've been totally hit by a massive work project! Damn I was so close to completing and spaffing these lovely CG beans all over the interwebs but alas! I am delayed.
You know what it's like with hobbies - sexy and fun and veeery nearly complete though they are, occasionally the real world avalanches in like a torrent of fists and dick-punches all your hard work off the desk and onto the floor, and slams down reams of very-important-must-complete-now-or-world-will-die type emergency red alert this-is-happening-now things.
So I'm taking my desperate ten minutes break to claw out a quick blog post - thanks for comments on previous article, but in case you are checking every day, and desperately trying to keep that erection alive, I'd say let it go.
For about a week or so. Then check back.
To keep you going, here's a couple of non-spoiler pages from it. Yes the Wraith is out of port and in space!