EDIT: woops, next comic's up to 82 pages now! Comiczilla.
Argh sorry guys/gals I've been totally hit by a massive work project! Damn I was so close to completing and spaffing these lovely CG beans all over the interwebs but alas! I am delayed.
You know what it's like with hobbies - sexy and fun and veeery nearly complete though they are, occasionally the real world avalanches in like a torrent of fists and dick-punches all your hard work off the desk and onto the floor, and slams down reams of very-important-must-complete-now-or-world-will-die type emergency red alert this-is-happening-now things.
So I'm taking my desperate ten minutes break to claw out a quick blog post - thanks for comments on previous article, but in case you are checking every day, and desperately trying to keep that erection alive, I'd say let it go.
For about a week or so. Then check back.
To keep you going, here's a couple of non-spoiler pages from it. Yes the Wraith is out of port and in space!
I feel you, the Fiscal EOY has murdered my joy. Your release (huh-huh) will be a welcome reward for being done with that mess.
pfft, macros... The lazy way of doing things...
"Give a robot a macro, and it will fuck for a day. Teach a robot to love, and it will fuck for a lifetime..." -Robot Jesus
p.s. thanks for the quick update, now I can focus on my studies for a week without my adhd constantly using the impending release as an excuse to procrastinate :D
Or, instead of checking back every day, use your RSS reader
Just recently discovered your comics and blog, and I love it. Your animation is fantastic, although sometimes rather dark, and the story line and banter among the crew is very amusing. Thanks for doing this project and allowing us to enjoy it; I know how hard it is to work on a hobby when you have a full time job (boy do I know). I'm really glad that you brought Lucy back into the story but, God, what a change in her. I hope you also allow Ix (assuming she survives) to encounter Mike again. I detected quite a connection between those two. Besides, he did save all their lives, and I'm sure Ix can figure SOME way to repay him for that. One point has been totally ignored in this story, though. Tom is constantly pounding all three girls in his crew, and yet none of them has come up preggos yet, Are we to assume that they're all drinking Birth Control Beer? Or has tea with two sugars made Tom sterile? Inquiring minds want to know. Especially weird ones like mine. It would be an interesting story line though. Wonder what a love child of Tom and Zan would look like? Massively looking forward to your next episode.
Hah, thanks, and good point!
Also never quite explained is why the guys seem to constantly have erections, nobody ever eats food, never goes to the loo or (until Victor) had any 'sex problems'!
The official fictional-universe-make-it-up-but-keep-it-feasable answer to the pregnancy conundrum is that, yes, this is the future and birth control is pretty much dialled into the food machines so people don't even need to know it's in there until they decide it's time to get pregnant and the suppression hormones get dialled out by the user.
Bringing Mike back has crossed my mind, I think I'm more likely to explore some tinkerbell-related themes before that happens though :)
Week has passed, where's the comic, i need it!!!! xD
The STFW-'verse's irreverence towards the mundane, IMH, is part of the charm of the thing. :)
But to jaw:
"Also never quite explained is why..."
- "the guys seem to constantly have erections"
A: Bex. Ix. Zan.
- "nobody ever eats food"
A: of course we don't see it because, apart from certain approaches to nutella consumption, we'd rather see them doing something else (in the case of Bex, Ix, Zan and in the case of Tom and Xho well, who wants to watch a bloke scarfin' 'n belchin'?), but that does raise the interesting question of how Bex, Ix and Zan can order all their calories to store up only in certain places. But hey, if I were a calorie or a carb or something, I'd do whatever they want too...
Whaddya bet Ix is actually awesomesauce in the kitchen. Just doesn't eat much of it, 'parently. Xho too. But they're cute that way. Li'le fellas. Mostly. *hooded naughty Ix grin
- "never goes to the loo"
A: no votes there.
- "or (until Victor) had any 'sex problems'!"
A: Bex. Ix. Zan.
Victor wasn't programmed Soong enough.
"The official fictional-universe-make-it-up-but-keep-it-feasable answer to the pregnancy conundrum is that, yes, this is the future and birth control is pretty much dialled into the food machines so people don't even need to know it's in there until they decide it's time to get pregnant and the suppression hormones get dialled out by the user."
Good answer.
Plus, they probs don't want one while they're on the lam. And I dunno 'bout Ix & Xho's culture, but Tom & Bex would have to tell awkward stories.
"Bringing Mike back has crossed my mind, I think I'm more likely to explore some tinkerbell-related themes before that happens though :)"
I tink I like dat idea.
Anticipation is killing me, but the wait will be worth it. Love your work.
Superb work as ever, the best out there, many thanks
Oh man! Project Bellerophon I'm so glad I found you! I have been finding drips and drabs of your comics all over the place and I really love your style. Your female characters are so cute and the comic style is right up my alley.
Really happy to see that you're still going. Now I have a mountain of comics to download lol. Thats my day sorted then ;)
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