This is because to do them justice (and oh man they need doing justice), the comic was getting into the 100-pages region. Which is crazy. So I've made a reasonable chop and will just add some of the funtimes to the next comic.
No biggie, and it means the new one will be out sooner :)
We're at about 75 pages currently; all that's left to do now is a little 2-page conclusionary thing and a few comicy tidy-ups; speech bubbles that sort of thing.
I've even done the cover, which I normally stress about till the end, but in this instance just sort of appeared during one of the rendering sessions - "That's the cover right there", I thought to myself, which keeps things easy. I think I can probably even reveal the title though: comic 17 will be called [drum roll ...]
Catchy huh? And not hugely mature. But who cares, sometimes the best ideas come from a childlike freedom to do stupid stuff. To be honest, normally by this stage in the comic I have a good feel for how good it's going to be. This is definitely a good one - well, I think so. It's subtle and sexy and stuff happens and everyone's involved somewhere. It's a bit like Bum Deal except with more people and more plot-motion, which is pretty much what I was hoping for. Good times :)

SPACE TITS DING-DONG RUB-A-DUB - just thinking about it, a perfect title :)
I like them all:
Space (the final frontier) -
Tits: what male does not love them ?
Ding-Dong - without it, what is life for ???
Rub-a-dub - a dream come true.
I just loot forward to another really good entertainment. Thanks in advance.
Interesting title, well se la vi. I can't wait to read it.
He'll I don't mind it being over 100 pages
With some things the more = the merrier! But yeah, alas, it's gotta be manageable on the production side eh? 'A reasonable chop', now that's rebelling against these times... not the chop of course, the reasonable part. :p
The title: LOL
Random thought for a sort of background gag: something amusing on a shirt (and maybe another characters' reaction). 'I'm a Ding Dong Daddy from Dumas' or... well, no, but, y'know (maybe?).
hmmm innteresting expressions in them thar pickchurs.
*anxious anticipation*
pace, pace, bite nails, pace, pace, pace, drink coffee - I really need my Becky-Zan-Ix fix :), can hardly wait!
I'm really looking forward to this one too! Checking daily.
The anticipation is killing me! At this rate, when it finally drops, i'll end up dead via blunt force trauma from rapid dick expansion.
yes I need to get more little references into the backgrounds - tshirt's a good idea, pictures on the wall, random computer screens on the bridge etc. Perhaps we need more Columbo and Ally Macbeal references :D
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