Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Scifi screens...

Gotta love some dual-layer glowing tech screens!

This monitor graphic is ruthlessly grabbed from an article about Prometheus, and is probably massively in breach of something blah, but you know. It's out there. People are using it, I don't feel too bad.

There's also some gag screens in the upcoming comic too. Stupid gags, mind; nothing too high-brow here, mate.

Anyway, just plopping it here for interest. Bit of carbon fibre, bit of touchscreen interfacing, bit of flesh, a little underboob, a touch of belly button, all good.


Tora-no-shi 1369 said...

Great pic. love the angle, very believable for a future scene.

Anonymous said...

Such an underboob tease =P

Tittily Winks said...

Exciting shot (and expression is spot on as usual!).

Plus, it's nice to see something made for Prometheus being put to good use. ;)

Project Bellerophon said...

Heh yeah I know! I learnt everything I know from French cinema...

Project Bellerophon said...

Thanks :)
Wasnt sure why I put in the effort to make it believable (ish), then I gues its because then when it comes to the sexytime, the hotness factor is higher cos you sort of care about the characters more?