Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Just rendering the cover...

So after much deliberation (ie. none, it just seemed right about 6 months ago or whenever it was I was pondering the plot), the next comic will be called ... Shadows and Dust.

< This is part of the raw image for the cover, rendering out. I tend to put slightly more effort (& raytrace bounces, all that tech crap) into the cover for obvious reasons. Can't be doing with depth of field for most of the comics pages; places to go, people to see. But for the relevant pages and the cover, depth of field adds some lovely ... well ... depth.

Looks from the progress of the render above like I'll need to sort out the tomato-coloured light on her face, but that's no biggie.

Anyway, back to the comic title: it'll be clear from the plot why it's 'shadows and dust', and I've done the usual thing of obsessing over lighting to really get into the chiaroscuro mindset - kinda difficult because you're always tempted to add more lights and reveal more of the object you're rendering, but I guess that's sort of the trick; knowing when to stop.

Not that I know, but it does make lighting this stuff an interesting challenge in discipline.

Not that I have any of that.

So, update-wise, I still need to photoshop the little errors and improve the contrast on all 120 pages, so seriously don't hold your breath, but given a few days peace and quiet from the tumultuous craze of my life we could be seeing the final comic online by ... well ... Friday/Saturday maybe? Be nice to get it up in time for the weekend, eh?

Definitely by next weekend, anyway.


Tora-no-shi 1369 said...

Yep refreshing does help. :) Weird that this didn't show up on my alerts. Oh well, sitting and waiting for when it is done. LOVE your work. I need to start rendering my scenes. What do you use to make the pages? I haven't figured that out yet.

Project Bellerophon said...

Hello! To make the pages I use photoshop; just have a template page setup with the black lines of the comic on it, drag the renders into position. I used to have 5-6 renders per page but it was too much of an effort playing with positioning etc so for the recent comics I've just done half-and-half sort of A4 layout

Project Bellerophon said...

(you could use any imaging app for the layout stuff; photoshop can be abit expensive but there's other stuff out there. Artweaver used to be good... haven't checked it out for a bit)

Tora-no-shi 1369 said...

I have GIMP for doing things like speech bubbles and the like, never tried doing anything else. Guess I will try it.

Anonymous said...

And now I'm going to check back every hour until you're finished. Damn my need for immediate gratification when Space Trek is involved.

Do I dare ask what you're going to do when you conclude this story? You're far too talented to call it quits.

Project Bellerophon said...

Just check back Friday evening - should be online by then, I'll blog it up :)

And yeah, once I've concluded this storyline in the climactic Comic #20, it'll be a nice round numbered saga, and I'll very likely pack it in for a good few years if not forever. Fun hobby and everything, but you know I seasonally quit it and am pretty ripe for a decent break tbh :)

Luke Bayne said...

I love your work! I recently discovered Space Trek Fleet Wars and I couldn't stop reading and fapping and reading and fapping! Awesome stuff. Thanks so much for doing it.

Aurelius Bellerophon said...

Haha thanks :)