Sunday, 10 April 2016

Brainwave mode

I've been reading a really interesting book on loop quantum gravity and (whilst extruding my brain into bow-tie shaped vol-au-vents), hit upon an epic plot twist for the comic. Yay physics! Yay geometry and movement vectors integrating with perceived time!

I was also busy working on some good old-fashioned angst between Tom and Becky, when it struck me Tom hasn't been much more than the butt of the joke for about 10 comics. Poor chap. So this epic (and it is a corker) plot twist will bring our dear Tom back into the spotlight, back into the protagonist camp once more. No Ix isn't going to secretly have been a baddie all this time, they're all still good don't worry I'm not that evil.

Not wanting to give too much away, but I chose that pic of Ix holding her tshirt up like that because it (1) rather nicely depicts the infinite spherical loop quantum effects I'll be exploring in comic 20, assuming her cleavage and top are graphs for spacetime and (2) is a nice picture with boobies. 

My two great loves, there; norks and theorems. 

"...and if we take the bottom as dY, the path vectors accelerate towards the event horizon, dZ with respect to the original path described by the boobies. Even on the planck scale, spacetime ..."

Ah, astrophysics lectures would have been SO much more pay-attention-to-able.


Three of Swords said...

This is so educational! I've never heard the term "norks" before.

Tora-no-shi 1369 said...

I'd have loved classes more if they covered topics like this.

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm.... norks. Sorry did you mention the space/time continuum?

Tittily Winks said...

Yay for physics! Yay for Ixophysics! Yay for Ixy nork symbolism!

(and I second Tora-no-shi)

Knightwing4 said...

I don't know if you noticed but she only has 4 toes on her left foot. LOL

Aurelius Bellerophon said...

Haha oh yeah! OMG well spotted; ah well it's not the biggest poke-through mistake I've made and it won't be the last haha

Aurelius Bellerophon said...

Haha you are welcome! Lovely English word

Aurelius Bellerophon said...

I would study Ixophysics. Study it hard. *googles obscure uni courses*

Tittily Winks said...

"I would study Ixophysics. Study it hard."

Well of course - it is a pretty hardcore subject...

Tittily Winks said...

Oh darn, thought it was just a teasing hint of her ixcredible flexibility. ;)