Yum, playing with body shapes (not that I deviate too much from my crazy idea of skinny hotness, it has to be said), toying about with 'gravity', props, outfits, expressions, faces, it's all jolly good fun.
So here are some renders. This character is going to be called Jen. Long personal story why she'll be called that, which I'm not going to go into here, but I'm not even 100% sure she'll
appear in the comics. Like I said, adding characters isn't always a great idea in story terms or you end up with zillions of characters for no good reason other than the fun of introducing new people.
So let me know what you think: more crew personnel? Keep the crew as it is? Vote!
Anway either way and just in case she never sees the light of day, here's the unedited development renders. Hint: she's the same species as Ix and Xho, so a touch on the short, pale side. She's a liiiiittle shorter than Ix, so yeah definitely pretty petite as averages go. Yes she's based on a real human, no I'm not going to go into the details :)
First render:
Wrong hair, wrong eyes, makeup's working though; love the natural look.
Bit too cute? Those lips are borderline excessive, but whatever your opinion on lip size, you have to admit they're inviting. I mean if she was sitting next to me on the sofa right now...
Boob options ...
Quick lighting check
Move around a little...
Give the poor girl some kit ...
Check for proportions... (she's 2% shorter than Ix). Hmm, need to stop those boots glowing:
One optional new character :)
I say yeah. Go ahead and use her.
I do to but her shoulders are a little bit narrow and breasts are a little out of shape but I really like the dark hair and blue eyes version.
How about a little taller than Ix,say 2 inches. But also a bit stockier in build. The rest is GREAT!
Do you mean muscular build or fatter?
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The more, the merrier!
DO HER ! ...i mean USE HER! ... i mean...HIT THAT ...button to include her in the comic. Beside that, all other characters you introduced were well-thought and integrated into the storyline and the crew. So i trust your judgment on this.
DO HER ! ...i mean USE HER! ... i mean...HIT THAT ...button to include her in the comic. Beside that, all other characters you introduced were well-thought and integrated into the storyline and the crew. So i trust your judgment on this.
She looks like she's a relative of Ix... coincidence? ;-) Love the smaller boobs. I'm a big Zanfan but bodywise, I'd fall for (the late) Luce. Anyway, I vote for including Jen if it makes sense for the story...the grand finale. :-)
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