Oh America, what are we to do, eh?
So, quick sitrep:- 'Brexit' was sold to UK voters on demonstrable lies, by genuine shits who then resigned (Farage, Johnson). And as we begin to unpick what Brexit means for the nation, the Bank of England estimate £66 Billion will be wasted annually going forward, which is one almighty ongoing kick in the bollocks. So we
have a plan based on lies, destined to definitely cost the nation everything it has.
And Trump holds it up as a shining example of a nation "Taking their country back".
Don't even get me started on the unreal levels of misogyny, racism, sexual-assault, political retardation or other facets of this delightful character, but what to do eh? Well, apart from a bit of a tableflip in the direction of the US, there's not much a weak and feeble Englander like me can do.
How do we impress on voters to use their fucking brains? We tried and failed in the UK, it seems like America is trying and unbelievably failing to do so too. 2016 could truly go down as the worst year in history, kicked off by, let's face it, Bowie dying.
All this really highlights is that both nations seriously need to invest in their education systems a hell of a lot better in a bid to keep the total fucking morons at bay.
The world just needs to stop shafting itself and instead concentrate on tits and dicks and lovely, lovely bottoms.
There, I've said what we are ALL thinking.
Vote Bellerophon.
You got my vote, future president of the world Bellerophon.
PS fuck Trump!
For more fuck Trump facts check out the young Turks loser Donald segment on YouTube.
I must rise to defend the US! The best election data analysts in the US (fivethirtyeight.com) are giving Trump less than a 20% chance to win.
One thing to know is that the US has had a fairly consistent 2-party (Democrat and Republican) political system for about 100 years. That means that 40-45% of the population will vote Democrat and 40-45% of the population will vote Republican regardless of whether the candidate is a pig in a suit. The elections are therefore decided based on either unaffiliated voters or low voter turnout in one party (usually due to a bad candidate). The last time that anything close to this (weird political circumstances with candidate) happened was in 1996 when Bill Clinton won re-election, and less than 50% of the US voters even bothered to show up because they knew Bill Clinton would win.
Another thing to redeem 40% of the US population is that Trump is the Republican candidate for President even though he did not even get 50% of the popular vote IN HIS OWN PARTY. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/republican_vote_count.html
That said, I was born in NY and have lived my entire life in and around NY. I have had to listen to and read about Trump FOREVER, and I can tell you that he is largely HATED by the people that know him best. For example, he is expected to lose the election in almost every state he has major business holdings in (NY, New Jersey, California, and Florida).
I Blame the lower I.Q. on the rich not wanting a intelligent work labor force, one that recognizes when it is being bull*****d when it comes to politics and it's rights to a fair pay for a days work. That's why the Education system has been attacked for the last 30-40 years. They recognized the mistake they made back in the 1950's allowing any-one into university and set out to correct this mistake. Man, I have to stop before I get on Free-trade. Donny Boy is a Shill.
Statistical Anon is correct. The media is just trying to scare the apathetes into showing up on November(2)8. It's a practical strategy.
Look on the bright side, an honest to goodness female woman is going to be president. Is she my first choice? Heck, naw. But who knows how many things might down differently in the next four years because POTUS won't make decisions with a penis or delicate masculine pride.
I'm optimistic!
Look, son, political hacks...
Brexit and Trump come from the same place: It's a protest vote without considering the consequences. Sometimes, I feel like making the world burn by welcoming a President Trump. Maybe America needs to bloom into the shit-flower it was always destined to become. Maybe we deserve a 1945 Germany-style slap-down to make our heads right. If the Cubs weren't in the playoffs right now, I'd be spending all of October drowning in despair.
Thanks for that reply it gives me some hope at least! I love, though, that in your rising to defend the US, you say "40-45% of the population will vote Republican regardless of whether the candidate is a pig in a suit" - if that statement forms part of a defense then the Western world is in sad ethical times indeed :)
Wait, wait, gotta get my tinfoil hat on before I reply to this one... :D
Honestly, I'll be so happy if someone with ovaries gets the job. I know Hilary's got her (serious) problems, but goodness there's all sorts of wonderful things that could happen
(I hope this kind of social engineering isn't true, be a very sad thing if it was. Oh humanity.)
Tell me again about your political theories :)
etc https://cubangalgonegeek.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/creepy-willy-wonka-meme-generator-tell-me-again-how-voting-for-romney-or-obama-will-change-anything-at-all-6180ab1.jpg
Yeah slap-downs can go wrong though. League of Nations slapped Germany down after WW1, and that's what gave Hitler such a strong footing with disempowered youth. DEY TOOK ERR JERBS!!!!
Bring on the despair vodka.
Too bad you can't run here in the US. You'd be better than the ones running, my friend.
Your not wrong my friend, you either vote for a corrupt politician only bowing to the will of her doners or a facist sexual predator with the IQ of a root vegatable.
Anyone heard about Trump telling a 10year old girl that he will be dating her in ten years!
That's the most creepy thing he's said since saying that he wanted to date his own daughter!
Can someone please lock this pervert up and throw away the key.
The defense that 'they let you' grab them, is pretty telling.
Perhaps you haven't had to cope with predatory assholes since the age of 11. Perhaps you haven't been stuck with someone who throws you around, or been trapped next to someone in an elevator as they leer and stroke your arm, or had a guy corner you in a darkened pub and use his sheer mass to prevent you from going anywhere.
It's shit. It has to stop, it has to at least be highlighted for what it is. When someone has literally double your muscle mass, that means you are vulnerable - and no matter how aggressive you get, you know they can get MORE aggressive. You know what that feels like? It feels like sometimes the easiest / quickest way out is to 'let them'. It's the worst, most violating, most grotesque thing. And yeah, it is worse than any 'crime' Hilary is alleged to have committed.
Strange, though, that she doesn't seem to have been found guilty of this crime. Only one of the candidates is currently engaged with the Federal court in a rape trial.
Exactly right my friend , and as for Bill Clinton, the only thing he's guilty of is cheating on his wife.
Last time i checked it wasn't illegal to have an affair with consenting partners, but it is illegal to grope and molest someone without their consent, which is the very definition of a criminal.
And as for Hillary, i have no love for the woman but many women have forgiven their husbands for screwing around, and every single one of them has said nasty things about the other women, so on her personal life i find her guilty of being human,
But as for her professional career i find her guilty of being a backstabbing bitch serving her corporate masters.
The only good thing about her is that she knows politics unlike Trump, who wants to pull out of the Geneva Convention and openly admitting that he wants to commit war crimes by torturing and killing the family members of suspected terrorist members including women and children.
This is the start of fascism in America.
Trump is a monster.
For my part I'm embarrassed that there are people like this in the STFW fandom. I mean, we're all booby perving fapjockeys, here. Buy to realize some of us are Trump-minded misogynists somehow taints the experience of reading the good clean smut you provide, Bell-bo.
An asshole effigy that gets the holy hell beat out of him by Ix would not go amiss in a future issue, methinks.
Actually, I do know what it's like sadly.(Why do you think I stay anonymous, that & I'm lazy lol) Being used by a predatory asshole/stepfather.. But I never once let him! I always fought & paid for it. But because my mother was such a bitch, the police never took him away. And it was a different time.. Took sometime to build up the courage to run away from home, if you could call it that.
Bill Clinton, is a sex addict/sexual predator. There is a wonder book called,"Hillary the Other Woman by Dolly Kyle". Check it out, on Amazon.com. It's a good read. And knowing politics isn't necessarily a good thing. Hillary, wants to go to war with Russia over Seria. By calling for a no fly zone. Also see, The Governator. He did not know much about politics either.
Oh well to bad, we all can't unite as one. To vote 3rd party. Anyways, love your comics!
That's sad about your stepfather. I think we can all agree everyone has their own [painful] story, and that as adults we have a responsibility to stand up and take power away from bellends.
@ixes - it's an attractive prospect, but I don't want to get too close to destroying effigies it's a bit voodoo; anyway I did that with Dave Cameron at the beginning of Shadows & Dust :)
Rest assured we find out a little more about Fabuloso before something entertainingly violent happens to him. I like to think my comics are at the Tom & Jerry end of the violence spectrum, as opposed to actual brutal character decimation porn
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