No particular reason, just Zan.
Thinking maybe the comic should simply be the adventures of Zan as she travels through our own galaxy and gets to know different humans, maybe comes across the occasional betentacled alien species and helps them chill the heck out.
Or she could have a stint as captain after a high-stakes game of strip poker, and use her new power to
steer the crew straight to Ix's homeworld and stock up on ... well, you get the idea.
Lasagnes and bubblebath and legions of Ixes and Xhos.
Just an idea.
Oooo, maybe there's a whole continent on Ix's homeworld that's a free-love society where everyone sexes constantly and clothes are illegal. Kinda like what Gene Roddenberry wanted Deltan culture to be like.
Just realized that Hera from Rebels reminds me a lot of Zan personality-wise. Both are tough but compassionate. Much as I love Ix, I certainly wouldn't mind seeing more Zan.
As much as the love ix and Becky, zan is definitely my favourite:-)
Speaking as a Zanfan, If she does pop into our System, tell her to stop of at my place for a cup of tea and I'll assist her in 'dipping her biscuits'.
I'll let her know ... brb
She said she's at a bit of a loose end at the mo, so chances are good. Luce is going to show her around London for a few hours, then she'll head over. Look out for shooting stars - they're going to sneak through orbit under cover of tonights' Orionids :)
Screw that!
I want to go to zans planet of sexy space babes where they have a shortage of men and huge sexual appetite.
I'd probably be dead in a week but what a week it'll be;-)
Damn I must have been out at the shops, run out of digestives. Please offer my apologies, I'll keep the kettle warm.
I'd go with you aboard my turbo charged mobility scooter, but there is only one Zan! I'm a sex slave to an ex-sex slave.
I hear you brother, but there is a whole planet of incredibly hot sexy breath takingly gorgeous zan like girls, that are extremely horny and will do anything for a bit of cock ANYTHING!!! ;-)
You can take the thousands on the left I'll take the thousands on the right and meet you in the middle.:-)
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