Wednesday, 26 October 2016


While we wait for some big turds to roll to a complete stop in my life, and while I take some time to decide what to do with the comic series; to complete it or to just let it rot at 19, this blog is being mothballed.

I would turn it off, but then Google does that thing where it says "You've been locked out", and that's no fun, so here's an empty holding blog while the jury's out.

Creating art (any art, even dodgy erotic comics) is a seasonal thing. Muses come and
go, rate of production or just inspiration wax and wane. This is normal. My blog's been closed before, the content deleted. It's just as likely I'll return in 6 months and release comic #20, as it is that I totally table-flip and delete everything. The art will still be art, the fantasy still fantasy, nothing stops creativity it just shifts about :)


ea7701fe-555b-11e6-b6b5-37e6042ad0c3 said...

I sincerely hope you're all right...!

Aurelius Bellerophon said...

I'm fine, don't worry :)

James Phillips said...

Whatever you decide, I support the decision. I've enjoyed everything so far :)

Peter May said...

Hey up! We need you and the crew. Remember the last time I found you, you disappeared almost straight away, but you came back. I shall light a candle in my window until you and the gang return. (Don't know if it will do any damn good, but it's what people seem to do!) To the Future and Beyond!!

Unknown said...

Hey, if you give up doing what you like because of some big turds, then they've won. Take some time, however long it takes, but don't give up. Spit in their faces than take up you "PEN" and keep going.

Aurelius Bellerophon said...

I know what you mean, but the thing is if you stop enjoying the thing you used to enjoy, it's time to move on. So it's less a question of being prevented from what you're enjoying and more a question of having a bit of a reflection on altering course :)

Aurelius Bellerophon said...

The big turds are just something that makes you have a think about this sort of stuff occasionally, that's all.

TWCBS said...

Turds suck. Rolling turds more so. That said, this was disappointing news on my regular Saturday visit to Space Trek. Nevertheless, reevaluation is never a bad thing, and I wanted to make sure I said thank you for all the stories and the art and the humor (and yes; the boobies too!) Hairnets... I still laugh at that! You have poured a metric shit ton of love and passion into producing this many comics and it's been awesome to read and share in your creative process so far. Thank you for that! I look forward to future posts from you and will wait through this particular episode of "Muses on Vacation: Destination Acapulco". ;) Enjoy the time away, charge up the creative batteries and when you feel like it, I'm sure the next chapter in your creative process is going to rock!

Bahamut said...

i have enjoyed the ride, and i do hope it will continue...... but like some1 else allready stated, i wish you the best, and hope 1 day you will continue this beautiful piece of art you have created. ;)

Richard Clarke said...

As many above have already said; hope things turn out ok for you.
I have enjoyed the journey so far and laughed out loud many times with your characters (face kick from orbit, a certain android getting sneaky and so many more). At the end of the day you need to take what time is needed to find your center, but know that what you have given us is appreciated enormously :-)

ripplechips said...

Wish you a safe journey, Hope you find your way back to loving your art again. Thank you for the stories so far. Of all the artists that publish on the net yours was the only one I can honestly say I counted the days to your next comic Download.

Aurelius Bellerophon said...

Thanks TWCBS. And hey did you notice you're on p96 of comic 19? On the datapad Zan's holding. Bunch of fans on there :)

Aurelius Bellerophon said...

Thanks guys :)

Jaris Harley said...

You really should have archive your art for at least good memories for us untill you return sorry to see you go but hopefully you come back.

Jaris Harley said...


Tora-no-shi 1369 said...

I don't want my friend to go. :( I will cry. :(

TWCBS said...

SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! (Cough!) Er... Umm... I mean, how thoughtful! ;)

I'M AN AGENT!!! Better yet; I'm 'recommended!' And now we go back to SQUEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

ea7701fe-555b-11e6-b6b5-37e6042ad0c3 said...

Hear hear, indeed.

Ox7579 said...

As was mentioned earlier I also count the days till you post the next issue, hell I check everyday to see if you put up any new teaser pages or stills.
But all artists and writers need a timeout or you will burnout and doing what you loved starts turning into work.
Take the time you need to recharge yourself, all your loyal fans will be here waiting and cheering you on.
Good luck and come back soon.

ripplechips said...


John Veirs said...

If its this particular style or fiction you are tiered of but you still wish to make erotic art may I recommend trying a new story. Mabie about a group of people in a town where supernatural things happen and they have to deal with that while having their own relationships or something in the high fantasy realms. Just step away from the tech sifi and see if you get that spark in a new area. I would read it and im sure your fans will support you.

Ox7579 said...

Not a bad idea but you can't leave a story without an ending.
How many quality TV shows have been cancelled mid-season without telling us what happened?
How many people have had nervous breakdown's having never knowing what happens to our favourite characters, "will they survive the storm" " will they get together and live happily ever after " "who really shot Mr Burns"
Questions that can drive you CRAAAZZZYYY!!
But to get to the point of my insane rant, don't leave a story without an ending.
To quote the great philosopher Deadpool "it's a total dick move".
Love that movie.

Константин Филинов said...

наплюй на гугл переходи на главное творить. искусство в любом виде. а твое еще и прикольное.

Aurelius Bellerophon said...

Haha :)

Aurelius Bellerophon said...

Perhaps, but then given being so often targetted by hackers, and full data breach/sales as recently as June, it would only be a few days before I had random thugs knocking at my door and asking where comic 20 was haha. Not an attractive proposition, cheers :)

Ox7579 said...

On top completely different subject altogether... I found a girl named kerrie Lee on babestation she recently cut her hair short and I think is the exact Double of ix, I'm not joking
Everything and if you look on porn hub even her pussy looks the same!!!
Anyone else think of people who look like the rest of the crew???

Константин Филинов said...

не важно где - главное не бросай

Unknown said...

don't let your art become your life, let your life be your life. You've probably brought joy to thousands of people with your gloriously absurd comics, and will probably bring joy to many thousands more as they discover them, but never forget to bring joy to your own life, its what matters most. If you decide in the long run not to return to rendering art, thank you for all the effort and work you've put into all the things you've shared with us

Ox7579 said...

Couldn't agree more, well said sir.

Bahamut said...

just wondering how you are. i have been down a simuliar path in the past and now how hard it can be. it is a struggle, a fight, that can be very confusing sometimes. sow..... how are you doing.

ripplechips said...

Don't know if you celebrate, But Merry Christmas, or Seasons Greetings and a Happier New Year.

Ox7579 said...

Merry Christmas to you and all of the Bellerophon fans.
For an early Christmas present how about a shout out from our fearless leader.

Bahamut said...

merry christmas all. ;)

Ox7579 said...

Merry Christmas to you too:-)

Peter May said...

Merry Christmas to you and to Zan and the crew x

Ox7579 said...

Happy new year to the crew and everyone.

Bahamut said...

happy new year!!!!

Ox7579 said...

It is snowing like an absolute bastard up here in Scotland and I'm freezing my nuts off!!!
How are the rest of you guys doing?

ripplechips said...

Same kind of weather,Snow turned to ice and below 0 (32) degrees cold, our once every 5 years winter in Beautiful Vancouver B.C., Canada.

TheGeek said...

I'm aware of the squatty potty for assistance with turds, but I don't know if it's compatible with rolling turds. The mythbusters did prove that by adding a bit of water you can polish rolling turds.

I've enjoyed your comic so far. Hope all goes well!

Bahamut said...

in the netherlands it's crap. cold, wet, fog, snow.... and then again cold and wet. cant wait until the summer starts.....

Ox7579 said...

Summer??? Is that the mythical season when a bright orange thing appears in the sky and the sky turns blue? And that long forgotten sensation of warmth is felt outdoors?

Knightwing4 said...

I really was enjoying this comic. I hope everything is ok and I hope you add more to this. At least the twins finally fragged. If it is the end it was a good ending.

Bahamut said...

now you mention it...... it kinda was, indeed.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to the inevitable Ixroasting by Tom and Xho.

Aurelius Bellerophon said...

Thanks. Wait til you see the real ending 0_0

Hint: less boobs, but more reveal of the entire series.

Aurelius Bellerophon said...

Sorry, pretty unlikely given the plot of #20 - there's other good stuff though :)