Wednesday 26 October 2016


While we wait for some big turds to roll to a complete stop in my life, and while I take some time to decide what to do with the comic series; to complete it or to just let it rot at 19, this blog is being mothballed.

I would turn it off, but then Google does that thing where it says "You've been locked out", and that's no fun, so here's an empty holding blog while the jury's out.

Creating art (any art, even dodgy erotic comics) is a seasonal thing. Muses come and

Wednesday 19 October 2016


No particular reason, just Zan.

Thinking maybe the comic should simply be the adventures of Zan as she travels through our own galaxy and gets to know different humans, maybe comes across the occasional betentacled alien species and helps them chill the heck out.

Or she could have a stint as captain after a high-stakes game of strip poker, and use her new power to

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Oh Tr*mp

(NB. I wrote this in Oct 2016...)
Oh America, what are we to do, eh?

So, quick sitrep:- 'Brexit' was sold to UK voters on demonstrable lies, by genuine shits who then resigned (Farage, Johnson). And as we begin to unpick what Brexit means for the nation, the Bank of England estimate £66 Billion will be wasted annually going forward, which is one almighty ongoing kick in the bollocks. So we