Thursday, 11 May 2017

Glossy Wossy Num-Nums

I've been experimenting with shiny skin ... FOR SCIENCE!!!!

OK, there's no point really. Anyway, I've done a few scenes with some sweat going on, and in order not to give away spoilers I've re-rendered this old pose from comic 19 FOR SCIENCE!!!!!

For science, I tell you.

Turns out (literally science, this bit) that anistropic is the way forward when it comes to sweaty/shiny skin. I'd always thought you just used 'glossy' (one of the standard shader settings, like Blinn (?) or Phong (?!). Seriously, who comes up with these shader setting names? Must be a mathematical thing. Lambert - that's another one. I know lambert means matte finish, and blinn seems to
as well. JUST USE
NORMAL WORDS you flippin software-creating weirdos.)

Aaaaanyway, I'm back in the blog - you noticed. I've been locked out for over a week cos Google thinks I'm Vladimir Putin. I promise I'm not.

So how've we all been?

Thinking of releasing some skin textures, lighting and scenes from my comics, anyone interested? Bit of an effort so not sure I'll bother.

Anyone in touch with The Genie? Know who I mean? Boerny - need to give him a heads-up when comic #20 comes out, anyone got an email or whatever? I mean, assuming he's not in some North Korean jail or whatever.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Can't wait for issue 20. Any chance your going to continue to do any of this after this last issue? Will there be any new original artwork, if not full comics?

Ox7579 said...


Aurelius Bellerophon said...

Not sure, you'll see from comic #20 it pretty much ties everything up in a neat bow, so it's highly unlikely there'll be more. It's about time I had a break anyway, there's been no let-up since comic 13 really :)

Dan said...

I won't say this if fact, but I believe those shaders were named after the dude who created, or at least popularized, each of them. Sad that I'm too lazy to go fact check myself.