I seem to have recovered from my plateau of no rendering, and have done another batch of comic rendering, taking the current work-in-progress up to a dizzying total of 53 pages!
We're nearly there, a little more of this, a touch of that, a good hard dose of you-know-what and some sort of ending and we'll be ready to distribute comic #14! Yay!
High-ten, everyone. High ten!
So the spoiler-ish image above isn't a particularly plot-ruining spoiler, so I thought it was ok to share. I do like the
memories it evokes. That first touch; the special moment when something you thought was probably going to feel nice, turns out setting your heart pounding and your eyes blurring as your senses go "HOLY ... HOLD ON A MINUTE ... WHAT THE ..." and all your available brain functions effectively cease and you're left being super-aware of your breathing and the way your arms seem to be shaking..
I guess that's why I like those 'coming of age' French films - you know when everything's innocent and subtle and nothing happens and then BAM! A boob or a hip or something steals the scene. And then you watch some porn and think "Wow, these L.A. guys have REALLY missed the point, really lost focus from the source of the real electricity, and gotten caught up in the crowd-pleasing medical details"
Not that I'm judging, I mean whatever floats your boat, and it's certainly floated my boat at different times in life, but right now I'm enjoying the lack of the hardcore in my life, the return to electric innocence and the first-touch that makes your skin become a hundred thousand points of wonder, floating in the sunrise-glow of predawn silence.
So here's a challenge: instead of deciding at the end of the porn session that "That escalated .. and was a bit gross" and feeling crap about yourself, have that thought at the beginning of the session; seek out the higher quality more emotional, engaging, innocent wonder. Takes an act of self control not to let it escalate, but just doing that helped me no end.
Assuming you want to change habits that is. I mean who am I talking to now? Myself I guess. Hi me! Hi!
*nods sagely to self*
*everyone visiting this blog goes "what the hell did I just read?!"*
*high ten*
You're talkin' to me, and you know it. Sometimes "touch me" is better asked (by either) rather than ordered. Other angles of sex appeal too; what's drivin' the show, that's the thing. Gotta have something behind it, y'know? And I say 'y'know' because, y'know, I know you know.
Hey I restrained myself from adding the final 'y'know'! Such taste, right? Wait... Anyway. Yeah. Nice render!
Yeah, what's drivin the show, definitely. Maybe it's a sign of getting older - I guess looking for the story behind the flesh is more important than it used to be.
Not that I create comics that are particularly high-brow, but you know. :)
'I've got goosebumps people.' - Woody Harrelson (2012)
*strokes beard with approval*
*slow Boba Fett nod*
We may not be high-brow, but we know a good story when we see it. And the plot/motivations/feels/non-flesh parts can be a total enhancer to the flesh stuff and sometimes just as sexy.
Keep going and doing amazing things!!!
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