Sorry I'm using the word jolly a lot these days, I guess because Christmas is nearly upon us.
Anyway, the cool thing about cloth deformation physics is that in order to fit the item of clothing to a figure,
you start with the character a little smaller than normal - say 70% normal figure height - then you animate them to grow to full size (82% for Ix) over ten frames. You do this because you have to have no 'poke-through', because if the 3d meshes of the chest and t-shirt overlap in 3d space then the dynamics maths all gets messed up..
The funny thing is that in practice (with Ix) this means you have to start the animation with someone completely flat-chested, then 'grow' the boobs to full size, watching as the cloth polygons dynamically avoid colliding with the increasing boob mesh and effectively 'stretching' the clothing mesh around her.
So although what's happening during a cloth simulation is crazy maths and dynamic friction / mesh-stretching physics, actually what you're really seeing before your eyes is huge crazy boob growth and a t-shirt getting tighter and tighter! Awesome.
A high-five to Ix, there.
At some point I'll use this t-shirt in a comic. Probably. Or maybe I'll just keep adjusting it, keep re-calculating the boob physics, keep playing with my little doll like she's my invisible friend... oh Freud I'm sure you'd have something to say about this hobby..
Haha. To be honest, Ix became my favorite character. Becky was the real deal at first. But you had the great and necessary idea to add some people in this fantasy world of yours and this tiny little ninja appeared and oh god ..
Ix .. what else ? ..
Yeah I think Ix is my fave too
You really build her well when it comes to her background story, and her solo scene. She became very lovable yet you know that you wont mess with her. Even if Zan has her style too, i think she lack a little bit of charisma, or maybe it's the fact that we dont know her as much as Ix for example ( or maybe i forgot ). You will give her some solo time where to build her personality too or you will focus on the new one ? It's the only problem when you include more characters. The difficulty is to not forgot some in the mix.
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