Anyway, hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did making it :)
Download comic #13 here >>>
Hey, you know Comic 14 is out too now, right?!?!! It's way better than this one, I think! :)
Home of Project Nemesis / Bellerophon. The comic shenanigans of a butterfly-minded artsy douche. Plus tits.
I liked it. I really did.
First, i love that you introduced 2 news characters. It's always good to have some fresh additions when it's done well. And here, it was perfectly executed ( Yeah i am a little technical for the analysis sorry :p ). It's not that i missed the crew ( i did a little tho ), but i would have missed them if you didnt put them in this new chapter and it would have been weird so, i really loved the fact that you made two equal parts for the new characters first, and then for the crew.
It's well written. There is no equal to your sens of humor, it makes me smile just like before, as much as i can understand :D But god my friend, where does this trash talk come from ? That Windows XP created some irreversible anger issues with you or what ? Haha, i laughed so hard, i wasnt expecting that at all but you know, it's those little things that makes me say in my head " Yeah, she's back " with a big smile on my face.
And then, i guess you had the same emotional gap as me because i couldnt handle your work without knowing the next part between Ix and Xho. For me, when you stopped years ago, when i was thinking about the last chapters, it was really this exact storyline, Ix and Xho, that was making me wondering of what could be next, if there was a next. So i am glad and i supposed it's going to be pretty interesting :)
PS: it's funny because oftenly, i have those " deja vu " moments that i am living, thinking that i dreamed about them years ago and it's happening years after. And i am not sure, but it seems like it's one of them, like i dreamed about talking to you again eventually, and writing a message like that, either it was about a new story or just taking news of you. I dont know, it's weird. Anyway.
Great work, it's really well designed as always. I dont know if you really stopped when you, well, stopped years ago, or if you kept doing some stuff casually, just to kill time you know, but you didnt lost your touch at all. It's amazing, but i didnt expected less from a talented artist like you. I ll have to read it again, just to see if i can notice some new things about your work, an evolution or something, i dont know. Can you feel you've add something in your way of creating it ( writing or anything ) or it's just normal ?
Anyway, i talk too much.
Take care.
Thanks Jerem, and for taking the time to write that critique. I agree I missed the crew - that's part of why I did a new comic, I wanted to see what they'd been up to for so many months. Creepy I guess, but maybe my mind is too full of imagination :)
God ... Just deleted what i wrote, i hate this.
So, i was saying that it's not creepy at all :) Of course you missed the crew, it was your own creation, your babies. You're an artist, i already told you that, but it's who you are. And they oftenly feel the need to continue or finish at some point, something they think was on hold. So really, nothing wrong about that. Good for you if you wanted it, and i will surely not complain :)
Anytime for the critique. It's my pleasure to read you, always. Sure it was all compliments, and even if i was meaning them, it's not what will make you improve. It will confort you about how talented you are, sure. But i am not very educated when it comes to create something like that so i always try to look at the details where there could be room for improvement.
Hope you're having a good week so far.
Totally awesome! This comic and the fact that you're back! Hope we'll see much more of you in the future...
WOW good stuff man. I didnt realize you were back, stumbled back on to your comics again and say updates and thought FUCK YEA
Hey thanks :)
Yeah I didn't exactly publicise coming back, to be honest I just thought I'd dick around making comiccy stuff again and see if anyone noticed!
Я взял смелость сделать перевод на русский всех комиксов, пока дошёл до "Spacey Trekky Time Tussle"
Wow! Good work man, no problem with that :)
Did you put the text in the right places in the speech bubbles, or just provide it with the script separately? I'd love to see it in Cyrillic!
http://g.e-hentai.org/g/795617/d06fe7a6d2/ вот как то так
So cool! Thanks for the link, I might blog about it :)
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