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1st generation Becky character |
Silly idea really; basically make a 3D barbie character and play with her. Get bored, make a 3D Ken doll (Tom) and smoosh them together. Still not quite edgy enough ... hmm I know they can be siblings! Yay wincest! What's not to like?! Great fun.
These renders were like original character development; I liked the idea of being
a 'real' 3d artist - you know the sort of 3D artist who produces cool looking characters as concept art for films (in Zbrush or whatever) - those amazing artist guys always did renders like this, 360 degree spin-around views of their character.Mine just had fewer clothes on, is all :)
(as you can tell, I was going for the sweaty / wet look...)
So here she is; first ever character I created in Poser; Rebecca Starwalker - lead character (along with Tom) for mini comic idea 'Space Trek Fleet Wars'. You knew that.
Name: Rebecca Starwalker
Age: 17 to sort of 20 ishHeight: 5'5"
Weight: How dare you! About 8 stone? 9 after a big roast?
Waist: Barely
Bra size: not that she's ever worn one, but 28H - 28J depending on how booby she's feeling
Favourite drink: Red wine
Favourite position: Cowgirl, though also partial to being bent over a desk, bedside etc. Depends who's in charge
Hairstyle: 'Shag' - a la hit TV sitcom Friends character, Rachel
Love interest: Tom. Always Tom. Since she learnt to masturbate. 2nd in line is probably Zan; they've always got on, on account of the easy-going ness, and the ... err appendages.

Then I was like "Hey, we need more outfits; need some sort of soft sports kit that can be unzipped" - so this kit turned up on Zan and Luce in the 3rd comic, but it had been setup on the original character, Bex.
(Notice in this render she has slightly smaller boobs than later on in the comics? Pretty sure I gave her a boost as the comics progressed; liked the idea that the 'coming of age' stuff led to bust development, as you'd find in real life. Yes I probably put too much thought into it. Yes I did the same with Tom and Xho's penises - just in case you'd not been paying attention...)
Actually those shorts are pretty cool, maybe should grab them again sometime, wonder if I still have them for her...

2nd generation Becky ...
YES I KNOW YOU DIDN'T THINK I PUT THIS MUCH THOUGHT INTO THE CHARACTERS OMG I KNOW IT'S A BIT OF A SHOCK ISN'T IT AAARGHHHHHH!!!! Obsession eh? I think about this detail for all the character, btw! Yes I probably need psychological help SHUT UP ABOUT IT IT'S JUST A HOBBY AAARGHHH!!!
Favourite 2nd generation character pose, below. Always loved that cowgirl moment, she just sort of naturally fits it, her contrapposto bodyshape accentuating the shape of her breasts, hips and waist:
Below: first render in 'Tacspace' after I'd plonked the lighting and grey backdrop in there, I put 2nd generation Becky in there and hit render. Yikes, I thought, that works. Time to do a comic.
Got a lot of time for thigh-high socks. These were sock test renders, readying the texture for They Came In Outer Space...
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Just ... errr ... no reason. |
2nd to 3rd generation test comparisons below - 3rd generation was all about the subsurface scattering on the skin - these tests look kinda waxy, I toned it down a bit for the 3rd generation proper, and made her skintone a little closer after these tests, which made her look a bit pasty compared to old, tanned Becky.
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Skintone was 'deeper' though - she was a bit glossy so looked like wax, but the realism was upping slightly so I was happy :) |
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Was pretty pleased with this bounce cycle to be honest, despite the skintone not quite being right. |
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Too tanned ... but nearly there ... |
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Nightie mode. Sometimes the sexiness comes from the scenario rather than the medical close-ups I guess.... :) |
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2nd generation - tanned and flat-looking (flat skintone I mean, not flat chested.) (Obviously.) |
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3rd generation not quite there; too pale and low contrast and waxy looking, needed a bit more work... |
3rd generation Becky...
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Just need to sort out that darkness around the mouth... |
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3rd generation Becky character, reporting for duty. Love the subsurface on this skin, even though the lighting is weird and eerie :) |
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I'm such a sucker for a walk cycle... |
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Poor girl: tuckered out from all this test rendering and changes of skin, posing, sex etc. Needs a break. |
This... is... AWESOME!
Will everyone be getting a history and profile?
I can remember the changes. I have always had a thing for Bex.
Heh, well that would be fun, but as long as Google won't let me back into my account, it's looking like this might be the last blog post for a while!
Assuming I do get back in - any particular character you have in mind?!
Dammit man, stop distracting us with animated boobs and give us the next chapter! :P
But seriously, really cool to see some history of this comic. Would love to see similar posts for the other characters.
Keep up the awesome work!
Very cool stuff. I always enjoy these little glimpses behind the curtain.
...you're joking, right?
Seriously, though, besides Ix, and depending on any plot you have to withhold for the comic, filling in the missing time for Lucy would be cool. Like, whatever happened with "Power Girl" or if you went through a lot of drafts for her "modern" look.
Also, I can totally believe if Zan's origins amount to "Once upon a time, there was a generic Twi'lek slave girl model on the internet, the end." But if there's more to it... :)
Still have that Tumblr bumping around. Could jump there if the ship goes down.
I know the last picture is just a character test show, but could you pleeaasee fix Ix' eye-crossing? Cant sleep after i've seen that one. Let alone choke my snake ...or masturbate!
Ixes - yeah banter I figured you were into Ix using my mighty intellect...
Also, I like your abridged Zan story haha. Main changes with her were the texture - more of a story in Ix's development (she got 3% taller over the comics...), and that of Luce due to the character background story stuff. In fact I redeveloped Lucy twice, with different tattoos to fit her own path. Anyway, one day when I'm bored...
bdude1 - yeah exactly, that's rumbling along for exactly that reason. The blog goes quiet here, check me out on Tumblr.
Haha 'fix'? Ix crosses her eyes on purpose to show disdain for any official process like a line-up. See her salute in Pegasus' Wraith :)
And leave that poor snake alone :P
3% taller, eh? I take it that's because of the extended time she's spent in space over the course of these adventures (or else an incredibly precise coincidence).
Thank you, will do :D
Yeah it was sort of because I thought she was a biiiit too small tbh, but I justified it with the lesser-gravity extended times in space thing; it'd probably happen, little bit of height added. Maybe. That's what I like about homemade scifi - you can make stuff up and it's sort of probably maybe exactly right and plausible. See upcoming comics...
No "probably" about it. "Astronauts in space can grow up to 3 percent taller during the time spent living in microgravity, NASA scientists say" (from http://www.space.com/19116-astronauts-taller-space-spines.html ).
Hey cool, I was just guessing that's what'd happen. Nice to have my assumptions confirmed. Next assumption I want confirmed is the existence of smoking hot and sex-mad alien species packed round every star, please NASA.
I like that. A physical description. I'd like to see a description of everybody. Mainly Ix. I have this thing for short women but that's another thing. Of everybody. Including the new people. Is there something like har here already?
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