Here's your chance to prove you're the longest-running fan and win an appearance in the comic (by name or by photo - up to you). Just comment below with your earliest memory of finding my stuff! Extra points for uploading earliest development character renders or any gifs you kept!
[Yes this is a thinly disguised attempt to harvest ancient renders I've long-since deleted, but you really will get into the comic if you win so please play the game! Heck you can even email me at if you don't want to comment]

by page of the first comic to the poser gallery on Renderosity? Then it got a bit adult and moved to Renderotica and included a bunch of Tink-themed gifs? Hint: you won't find any of the really early stuff on this blog; that'd be too easy!
I have my own ideas of who might be the longest-running fan; guess we'll find out :)

What you probably don't know is that the character of Xho is actually based on a long-running commenter on this blog. This guy never swore in emails or comments, and didn't tend to engage in the more IRL/political discussions - which was interesting. Xho's kinda innocent appearance was easy to create with that guy in mind because that whole "Gosh darn" approach sticks out, you know? Anyway I'm not going to clarify who it is (other than to say Who fanfic is a relevant reference), because I don't want to embarrass the guy, especially as Xho himself is on the brink of totally corrupting into an incestuous relationship, so it's a bit harsh to link that character with a real person! :)
Anyway, answers below! Go go go!!!
I almost feel as if you're just fishing for that pic of the pink-haired totty from you-know-when. Anyway, will have to wait until I get home to my Battlestation to see if one of my old HDs have any ancient proofs of purchase. I can prove I've been around at least 5 years (I'm dangerdan, bee tee derps), but I know I've been following your work a good bit longer than that. When was it you was just finishing "Breakfast in Tacspace"? I just need the files in my computer box for the hard evidence...
It was Tink!
Yep, our only-one-time-appearing Disney-based fairy led me to your blog back in the day. I've been sticking around since Comic 4... and I've never said THANK YOU! So, thank you, Project Nemesis! It's the most fricken awesomest work that you do. And your opinions to RL matters - thumbs up! Inspiring and sometimes even helpful.
So... what old pic are you looking for? I've actually downloaded all of them some years ago. Fallen behind lately, but the newer ones are on this website anyway =)
Oof, you made me feel old. Is there any way to post pics here?
Comic 6 Pilot Plaything. I'm not the oldest fan, and I know I don't have the pics you're looking for. I wish I did, I'd give them to you.
Are you talking about that blue girl character ''TWILL'' of the planet Tw'dex ? Who was a prototype of the beautiful and love of my life Ix
Excuse my bad english.
u could upload to a google drive folder or dropbox then get the share link and post here or email the linkto them =>
Heh, not really - I did concept art for Tom and Becky (saluting, in and out of their Starfleet outfits) before I even began the comic. I also did some cool walkcycle gifs of Wonderwoman and tinkerbell and someone in a red swimsuit - those would be the Holy Grail haha!
Glad you remember Twill though :)
Hey yeah comic 4 was super popular when I put that one out there, I remember being surprised at the blog stats & comments after that. Guess people are into the hot fairy thing...
Thanks for your comment on RL stuff too, appreciate that :D
Old pics - all my CG animated gifs ideally, any renders that I put on old blogs would be appreciated cos then I could add them to this one as a kinda archive. :))
^^ what they said :)
Ixes, dude you have a Battlestation?! Wow we should hang out. Can it go into space and pew pew and everything?! Would love that. (I know you mean big ol PC really, just like the idea of knowing someone with an actual battlestation!)
If you have trouble posting pics here, just zip them up and email to - appreciate it srsly! For content I'm really after, see comments below :)
Thanks, appreciate the thought though :)
Heck if you want to appear in the comic let me know - maybe I should do a bunch of fan references on one of the characters' datapads, then have the winner as a proper character or something
Sure I'd love to even on a data pad. I miss Twill, too bad she was just a dream sequence of Tom. It was a pic of her and Tom that got me looking for you to begin with. :)
*wave* -insert compliments- /nutella [tell me the best french wine] -other compliments- "brillant ideas for next comic J -said no one-" \Tom = Christian Bale/ You know i like you very much, and your talent is outstanding. I enjoy discovering your comics every time and to see the quality of your work, makes me very proud of you and your accomplisments. /!\ Alert compliments limit reach=0 /!\ -Shutting down program-
I'll see what I can find. Started reading your old blog about five or so years ago but not sure what I have in the way of old GIFs, they're at work so will check it out on Monday. What are you doing deleting your archive anyway! What are they going to put in the Horizon doc when they finally have the sense to make it?
I DO fondly remember finding you on Renderosity. I still remember when Tom was all alone on the ship and having Dreams. :)
BTW, I LOVE how far you've come in rendering, lighting, and storytelling!! It's been great watching you grow as an artist.
Really pissed me off when you had to break things up and put the GOOD stuff over on Renderotica. But of course I followed you. How could I NOT?!?!
Then you closed it all down when you were going thru a rough spell and I was quite sad. :(
I even posted you a message back then wishing you well.
I WISH I still had those original pics saved. Alas, that was at least 2 hard drive failures ago. :) I knew I should have backed them all up to portable drive. :)
Oh well... Not much I can do about it.
Thank You for all the time you spend on this. And I DO hope yo can continue for a Very long time. ;)
Heh, yeah Twill was a cool character - crazy tiny and big-boobed alien girl nympho, gotta love the cliches :)
Haha, yeah you know I still buy Bordeaux, I have to admit it is the best wine region; haven't found one consistently better!
Heh thanks :)
Main missing ones are the red swimsuit and tink gifs, not holding out much hope tbh but all donations gratefully received!
Hey thanks, nice to know there's old loyal fans kicking about - if you came from Renderosity then you're a proper fan for sure! I'll blog up the donated pics over the next few days so you can always re-save :)
I'll remember to save them out to the cloud this time!!!
Not too sure how long I have been following but probably since about comic 5 I guess but no long lost gifs saved to contribute back to you I'm sorry. Also I should let someone else get their name immortalized in your comic since I won the last time you offered the prize.
Sadly, I've just spent some time playing with different search configurations on both my external HDs but did not find anything. I've been following the comic since the start but I'm feeling a bit like this achievement will remain locked for me. Alas...
*thumbs up*
I'm certainly NOT your oldest or longest running fan. But I've always been curious. What car DID you end up buying? Would have been like 2 - 3 years ago.
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