Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Lighting test bonanza

These renders are just for fun; a happy hour spent trying to figure out how Superfly raytraces.

Very well, as it happens. Oh look! Glowing lights. Yes please ...


Underexposed Superfly

IBL only

IBL dialled a bit

Wait a second ... we can have GLOWING OBJECTS?! GIMME GIMME GIMME

OK, that was worth a better quality render...

Gah moved her arm too high. Ah well, seriously need to figure out how to reduce noise in Superfly...

Alright, put it away Ix


Anonymous said...

Are you using a video card to assist in the render?

Anonymous said...

Nice, looks like Ix got her head back, yay!

Belle said...

No it's just a standard Macbook - they're normally pretty good for rendering though; this one outperforms my old i7 PC which had a mid-high spec 2gb dedicated graphics card. Do you think a separate graphics setup would help with render times? Beyond the standard Apple graphics emphasis I mean?

Belle said...

Yeah a guy called Jeff emailed her head over :)

Anonymous said...

I was thinking along the lines of updating drives on the video card and see if the noise goes away. I don't think that would help if your using a Macbook however. There are render servers if you want to go large scale.
