Wednesday 23 December 2015

Wake up, Belle! Sitrep!

First off: if my blog ever goes to sleep and you get locked out, it's nothing personal. Chances are I've moved the URL / account and you'll just have to fire up the Googlebox to hunt me down.

Anyway, it's the exhausting festive break of you-know-what, and I haven't mentioned the upcoming comic for a while, so here's where I've got : - 70 pages all done! Just need to put the text on! Hooray!

It's a good one, but 70 pages doesn't mean it's imminent, no siree! In fact I do believe comic 18 will be the biggest, longest, firmest comic to date, probably weighing in at about 100 pages, and with more penetration than you can shake a stick at. Hooray! Penetration! That's *the best*

No penetration for our current awkward couple-of-the-moment though; the delicious twins Ix and Xho need a little more ripening I'm afraid. I couldn't care less how much whining the internet does about not much happening in comic 17 between those two: I want it to be believable when it does, and that'll take time. Sweet, delicious, sexy time.

So don't hold your breath on that one. Do remember, dear reader, that my personal preference for sexiness is a fair amount of believability. If you wouldn't walk into a room and just hump a person in real life, then nobody will be doing it in my comics. Well, hardly anybody. Maybe Becky. OK definitely Becky. For everyone else, the tease is part of the fun, just like it is in real life! Remember dating? Remember trying to figure out who likes you? Remember that dance? Sexy A.F.

Anyway, rest assured once the teasing is over, the payoff will be entirely believable, slowly epic acts. Just like the first times in real life - it takes hours. Porn is wrong, nobody fucks in 20 minutes when it's the first time with someone. You savour it, you devour every touch, every awkward conversation, you think it through a million times - consider your responses, your eye contact, everything.




In the meantime, there'll be plenty of business occurring between the other characters anyway! Yay!

As I mentioned a while back, I've written all the scripts up to comic 20, so I know exaaactly where we're going, and it all comes together very nicely by comic 20 (in my opinion...), including explanations of a few long-buried facts from earlier comics. In fact after some re-working this week, comic 19 is possibly the greatest conversational one ever. Ever. Like, soaking pants o'clock just reading through. Always a good sign.

So that's something to look forward to. That and Christmas. And Star Wars. Again.

Maybe I should blog about Star Wars. I need a sleep first though, this season always takes it out of me.

Right, everybody out! Wake me up in the New Year x

>>> This isn't Lost in Translation, >>>
but what a great film. She was ruined in The Avengers, poor girl, Hollywood again pretending to know what equality is and failing massively.

Sunday 20 December 2015

Sexy ghost jumper

Happy Nearly Christmas! Have some test renders...

Normally wouldn't upload this sort of render because it's awkward and she has an annoyingly vacant expression and there's awful clothing poke-through, so it's very beta.

But then, look at them, how can we not like Ix eh? Even in an imperfect CG setup.

So here she is, getting ready for comic 19, where it's all going to kick off. Big time.

Tss, if only I was faster at turning my ideas into comics, I could churn out 20 per year and it'd be like the most escapism-involving space ding-dong wonderfulness ever! Well, it wouldn't be bad.

Woops, forgot to re-show Ix after I sorted out the reflections.... so here's just a jumper:


Thursday 17 December 2015

Late night = legs night.

*Wanders in*

*Blogs up non-spoiler comic image*

*Wonders out*

*Wanders if it's wonder or wander in this context*



[Massive kudos goes to 'blackhearted', who made this custom 3D V4 body morph {GND4} which I've always used - the body shape is juuuuuust perfect.]

Monday 7 December 2015

Fashion and hair and subtle lighting. Afternoon well spent.

Eugh, now, I've been having trouble with my google account so if this blog suddenly dies, then find me on tumblr or deviantart. Let's call ditching Google entirely Plan B.

In the meantime I'm here and I've had a few hours to play about making an attractive little top for Ix. This one's a special one because it unzips! Hooray! It's kind of a weird top because it'd have to be boned in order to be supportive (not that Ix particularly needs support for her breasts, but it'd need to be boned in order to maintain that top line at least), but I designed the boning (yes I'm into plausible fashion) and the structure kinda ruined it, so we'll have to stick with the 'scifi fact' this is some new material which simultaneously provides support, and looks a bit like flimsy/stretchy cotton.

*Insert obvious boning jokes here*

Memory cotton then. We've been here before, haven't we? This using futuristic fiction to provide the excuse not to quite stick to real-world physics. I like this excuse. Hey, they're my toys, I can play with them how I want :D

I'm not going to show the unzipping fully in action, because it's more fun to tease (we know this: it's established fact), but I'm pretty happy with the semi-reveal version below tbh.

So: feedback time: new hair? Yes or no? Did anyone notice the hair? No. Ah well. I think it's cute. And assuming Ix meets Luce at some point in the not-too-distant-future, she's bound to get some styling tips from our gothic femme noir.

Because hair is important. Yes it is.

New hair:

Old hair:

New hair:


(Project Bellerophon reserves the right to completely ignore the outcome of the vote, but you know: shits and giggles, eh?)

Friday 4 December 2015

Listen, Goog...

And now, after that brief intermission...

Hello! As those determined enough to find me will have discovered, I gave Blogger a couple of weeks cooling-off period after some faffing, but now I'm here! Hello again!

Sorry about that awful "You've been locked out, this is only for special people" landing page that Google puts up - it's not very welcoming is it? If I could edit it, it'd say something a bit less confusing like "This blog is bloody well closed to everyone until the whole internet pulls its jolly great finger out, please. Thank you."

Just popping in to check how the internet is coming along. Good, good. Could you guys maybe stop trying to hack into my emails please? Many thanks x

Anyway, I had a chance to get on with some comiccy stuff recently, which I wasn't expecting, even to the extent of thinking about a new haircut for Ix (pictured above), and to create some unusual props for a few comics' time. Like this cigarette (Also pictured, but you noticed that, didn't you? Yes you did).

Funnily enough, although Ix might well try that haircut for size, she is not going to take up smoking - it's actually going to be a spy-type device for general making-of-mayhem purposes. Lovely, lovely, don't we all wish we had more spy-type devices for general making of mayhem? Yes, yes we do.

So then.

There's also a new bunch of unusable renders which I could put on this blog (and would love to, because they're amusing errors like Ix's whole arm poking through someone's torso etc), but then looking at them there's some pretty severe plot spoilers going on, so I can't. Which is a shame.

I guess what I've learnt from all this comiccing is to keep the plots simple, cos when you get twisted up in a running plot, you bloody well take ages unravelling it all and closing every plot hole and it all takes blimmin ages! It'll be worth it though. This upcoming comic is a good one, but the one AFTER that - OMG. And the one after that? Number 20? That's the killer. That's the Oscar performance right there. OK, maybe not an Oscar, but at least a GNVQ Level 1 in storytelling.

Blimey, it's almost like I never closed the blog, eh? Happy Friday everyone!

Thursday 19 November 2015

The renders that never made the cut...

I thought it would be a good idea to occasionally post some of the renders that didn't make the cut.

You know - cos of bad lighting or the wrong expression, or when I render it and a random eyeball is staring out the window (always funny), or their arm is poking through a wall or the perspective makes it look like everyone's got bamboo spine or someone's haircut is hovering six inches above their heads or whatever.

Sounds stupid, but every one of those things has happened in my renders over the years. Yes, it IS a stupid hobby. But we forgive its stupidity, don't we? Yes indeed. Yes siree. With this utopian flesh on display, we forgive it its foibles.

So instead of unleashing a swift "bugger!" and tweaking it and rendering again and binning the faulty detritis, I'll post it on this blog. Because why not, eh? It's a laugh.

And certainly in this case it doesn't particularly reveal anything spoiler-y about any upcoming comic.

This one didn't make the cut because ... and yes I do consider these things ... in the crew's timeline, Tom has just an hour ago (ish) been bumming dear Becky's little bottom, and here we notice his tallywhacker about to enter Zan's mouth ...

Stop Zan, STOP! You don't know where that thing's BEEN! We, dear reader, may consider these things and lucky for me I realised this before Zan was left with a chocolate moustache and convulsing tummy muscles as she realised the error of her choice of mid-space-battle amuse-bouche.

In reality, of course, Tom would be too much of a gentleman not to keep his meat in tip-top hygienic condition, but as this is comic land and I don't want to bother writing in a dull scene with him showering and/or disinfecting said meat, it's easier to just change position and smooth over that possible social fauxes-pas.

And no, Xho is not about to grab Ix's arse, he's just holding a cup of coffee.

And yes, I did position the lighting to carefully but subtly annouce said arse.

Phew, what a hobby, eh?

Such nonsense.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Scifi screens...

Gotta love some dual-layer glowing tech screens!

This monitor graphic is ruthlessly grabbed from an article about Prometheus, and is probably massively in breach of something blah, but you know. It's out there. People are using it, I don't feel too bad.

There's also some gag screens in the upcoming comic too. Stupid gags, mind; nothing too high-brow here, mate.

Anyway, just plopping it here for interest. Bit of carbon fibre, bit of touchscreen interfacing, bit of flesh, a little underboob, a touch of belly button, all good.

Wednesday 4 November 2015

The infinite variability syndrome

So it's like a few weeks since I've posted anything. Figured I'd update the world on what's happening in Bellerophon world!

OK, it's not a world, more like an occasional fap-based hobby, but still.

One interesting thing that happened was I read through all the comics from Dive Into The Dark up to the recent one, and I have to say I now rather like the recent one.

It was easy at the time to take the criticism that not much happened (which is true), there was no actual sex etc (which is also true), but to be honest I think it's sexy as hell! One of my favourites now. And knowing what's coming next it's all part of the build-up, so will make more sense to one and all when the next one hits the streets. So I'm happy once more, safe in the knowledge that my little project hasn't derailed, and is actually alright chugging along its cute little awkward path :)

While pondering the whole thing of "They never eat or go to the loo!" (a point which I raised a month or so back), I got to thinking of all my awkward real-world conversations in kitchens at various parties over the years, and realising that actually a kitchen/galley is indeed a valid setting even for a battle-hardened scifi space crew.

So here we are, a couple of obsessive lighting renders, where I'm trying to figure out how the hell to light the scene to give it the right 'feel'.

Bloody hell lighting makes a massive difference - check out these renders - those who've followed my blog(s) for a while will know I always do this - change things minutely, testing every combination of infinite possibilities before I stick with what I want.

It would make FAR more sense to spend that wasted time investing in some decent rendering software so I could render lifelike scenes outside of Poser, thus improving the comic by infinity percent. HOWEVER, I am a bit of a dick when it comes to adopting new techniques, and thus I'm sticking with what I know, and enforcing a quality -ceiling in the renders, totally ignoring the possibilities of the incredible render software out there and shoving my head well and truly into the sand.

Ah well.

Shits and giggles, eh?

Friday 9 October 2015

Comic 17: Space Tits Ding-Dong Rub-A-Dub

Comic 17!!!! Woop woop! Finally, after work and conferences and hotel wifi and lost laptop chargers and every flippin thing got in the way, it's finally online!

So this is 84 pages, the biggest comic ever, and is the result of ... well ... lots of wasted 'hobby' time, let's face it. I'm pleased with it, though. There's plot, there's sexiness [in my opinion!], there's a little awkwardness, undressing ... all the good stuff.

Boobs, massive willy, even some solid lesbianism in there (it's been a while for me, but let's face it sometimes some proper les moments are pretty priceless). Heck, it's the first comic with everyone making an appearance. The crew's even coming together! Squeeeeee!!!!

Download the zip file of jpegs  >> 
(zip download link is at the top of that page)
(or view on G.E. Hentai here)

Here's some sample pages:

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Comic's not done ... give it a week

EDIT: woops, next comic's up to 82 pages now! Comiczilla.

Argh sorry guys/gals I've been totally hit by a massive work project! Damn I was so close to completing and spaffing these lovely CG beans all over the interwebs but alas! I am delayed.

You know what it's like with hobbies - sexy and fun and veeery nearly complete though they are, occasionally the real world avalanches in like a torrent of fists and dick-punches all your hard work off the desk and onto the floor, and slams down reams of very-important-must-complete-now-or-world-will-die type emergency red alert this-is-happening-now things.

So I'm taking my desperate ten minutes break to claw out a quick blog post - thanks for comments on previous article, but in case you are checking every day, and desperately trying to keep that erection alive, I'd say let it go.


For about a week or so. Then check back.

To keep you going, here's a couple of non-spoiler pages from it. Yes the Wraith is out of port and in space!

Wednesday 23 September 2015

On the edge ...

OK, so to break with tradition I've actually CHANGED MY MIND a little bit and the new comic is not going to include the scenes I meant to.

This is because to do them justice (and oh man they need doing justice), the comic was getting into the 100-pages region. Which is crazy. So I've made a reasonable chop and will just add some of the funtimes to the next comic.

No biggie, and it means the new one will be out sooner :)

We're at about 75 pages currently; all that's left to do now is a little 2-page conclusionary thing and a few comicy tidy-ups; speech bubbles that sort of thing.

I've even done the cover, which I normally stress about till the end, but in this instance just sort of appeared during one of the rendering sessions - "That's the cover right there", I thought to myself, which keeps things easy. I think I can probably even reveal the title though: comic 17 will be called [drum roll ...]


Catchy huh? And not hugely mature. But who cares, sometimes the best ideas come from a childlike freedom to do stupid stuff. To be honest, normally by this stage in the comic I have a good feel for how good it's going to be. This is definitely a good one - well, I think so. It's subtle and sexy and stuff happens and everyone's involved somewhere. It's a bit like Bum Deal except with more people and more plot-motion, which is pretty much what I was hoping for. Good times :)

Tuesday 15 September 2015


OK so I've finished 90% of the rendering for the upcoming comic and we're at ... 70 pages!

Blimey. That's a lot.

If I were selling these things, I'd be splitting it up into three mini acts, milk that cash cow for all it's worth. But I'm not motivated by money and let's face it the plot could do with some proper things happening so I'd prefer to release it in one big comic spurt and stop fannying around.

Things that are resolved in this one: not everything, but the stage is finally set and the shit well and truly kicks off. Also thingy and thingybob finally get a bit closer. But they probably don't do the actual thing with the contorted faces and the lots-of-backwards-and-forwards-hips, so don't hold your breath that'll have to wait until an undefined time in the future. They're the best, those undefined times!


Anyway. Watch this space.


Could still take a fortnight to finish, but we're thinking about almost being nearly there.

So watch this space.

But not too closely.

I dunno, fly casual.

Thursday 27 August 2015

Scenery works in progress..

Alright, it's time to sort this fiasco of a comic series out.

So far our crew have been drifting in their high-tech crate, stranded for the best part of a year, bumming around and not really achieving anything. It's time to sort that out.

I've written the plots and scripts for the next four comics, tying everything up, bringing closure to this years-and-years of general dicking about.

About time, right? Previously I've just made one comic after the next, in fact in the early days I'd just make one page after the next and decide what people would say as I put the renders together on the page in photoshop. Zero planning, just spamming it out as my brain liked. Up until Dive Into The Dark, it was just a general flow of unplanned shenanigans. When that hit, I quite liked the fact there was a more traditional sci-fi thread running through, and decided comics after that should have a bit of thought going into them.

Particularly since Bellerophon Wakes and when I came back with Pegasus' Wraith have I been working towards little plot tie-ups, a hint here and a tattoo there.

So now rather than have a general fantasising session before a comic and 'plan' it that way, I've written the lot; up to Comic 20. Rather good fun. All this plot does require some new scenery though, so I've been building CG spaces for a bit, customising free CG models and modelling a bit myself, playing with lighting and planning some mayhem.

Here's some test renders :)

There's a couple of other totally out-there scenes too, but I'm not putting them here - gotta limit the spoilers

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Old skool

Little bit of character development. No he's not going to join the crew, but he is a badass in his own way. This guy's a goodie, for sure.

I'm doing that thing, you know when you're halfway through a thing and instead of concentrating on that thing, you do the thing where your mind wanders to three things ahead and you start to plan and build the sets/required bits for that thing? I'm doing that thing.

It's fine, seems to be part of how I work, a nice little brain-relaxation technique I guess, stops me getting bogged-down in the current scenario and lets it run free in the hills of a possible future.

So here we are, an old bloke in a white Dr No suit and no doubt some comfortable slippers. Nothing to prove, this guy. How he fits in with our plot will become clear in the fulness, but suffice to say (and as always..) don't hold your breath. These things take time, and unlike the weekly comic artists whose job it is to produce comics, I am more like a couple-of-comics-a-year kinda person, they come in flurries and then go very quiet. Sorry about that.

Work, eh? Can't live with it, can't live without it. Well you can, you just have to get used to exclusively eating pulses and that's not a commitment I'm willing to make right now. Much happier being able to afford unusual beers and ironically needing to plough through them to relax at the end of an insane workload of a day.

It'll chill out though, always does. Seasons of woe and stress do tend to tail off and that makes living in between all the sweeter. So I'm holding out, knuckling under, and letting the little brain do some wandering through the forests for a bit.

Also on the cards: bamboo forests. It'll make sense in the next-but-one comic, I think. Little bit of Zen required for our crew I believe. Time for some closure and some taking stock. It'll happen. Probably not in the upcoming immediate comic, but it'll happen.

That's the best bit really, slipping into some comfortable trousers and flipflops, and padding through the woods, letting the stress leak out of you like water from a porous vase. So I've been creating bamboo forests and wise old men, hoping that one day when my workload calms down, art and reality will meet and I can slip into the bath of contented rest.

Friday 7 August 2015

AAArgh work explosion!

Don't you just hate it when things are trundling along nicely at work, and then they triple? Like "Hey, oh you, you enjoy your job? Here's three of it!"

Man alive I could do with a rest and a cold brain enema or something. It's like stress piled on a headache rhumba these days, where does it all come from?

Well. Time to chill out. Time to shower the stupid working-late grime off my exhausted, rigid body and try and bend it into a sleeping, relaxed sort of pose and hope all the spreadsheets and general work crap whimsy leaks out of my face while I'm asleep.

Thought I'd put some clothes on Ix for once...

Saturday 11 July 2015

Breast phys-Ix

OK ok, I'm getting carried away with these little animations, but they're fun and I'm getting bored of batch of data entry work I've been doing, so stick it up your arse.

I mean, I mean something more polite. Stick it in your pocket? Decide what to do with it later?

So this is our Ix, doing a standard 'combat ready' sort of pose. Because why not? I've always fancied that breast physics addition to computer games .. is it Street Fighter? No what's that Beach volleyball one DOA! That's it. Breast physics jiggling all over the place in that one. Not that I ever owned the game, but I certainly admired those fifth-of-a-second adverts that were on TV a few years back, where you got juuust enough of a look to realise "HEY! Those boobs are moving!!! I must buy this game!". The trick didn't work on me because I didn't buy the game, but let's face it, it's an endearing image which has stuck in my mind ever since.

Boob physics, eh? Can't beat it. Anyway so I've tried to knock together some boob jiggles manually for this animation, simply applying sine-wave y-axis and lateral changes to her breasts a few frames after the motion of her hips (which move her whole torso), meaning there's a little delay between where the body goes and where her breasts follow, hopefully giving some impression that they have some weight to them, some momentum.

And why bother? Because boobs.

Yes I am childish. Here she is in slow-mo (click to view full size gif)

Monday 29 June 2015

This is why

This image basically sums up why I love creating CG comics.

Thing is, being of the 'dreamer' persuasion means I just want to be away with the fairies most of the time, floating in a spaceship cabin, just being in the middle of an infinite starfield with nothing but a few good books and someone with smooth skin to stroke.
Why is that? Why do I want to ignore my work and life and just be away somewhere with no rules, no agenda, just stars and cup-a-soup?

Ok, not cup-a-soup; some decent space sushi wouldn't go amiss.

Maybe it's because of the allure of a life with no responsibility, no work or money stress. Just sex, just floating around and nibbling. Maybe I want to be a teenager again; man that was good times. But at the time you don't appreciate it, do you? You just think everything's unfair and you wish things would move faster and you could get a job and a mortgage and a dog and people would respect you.

But the truth is you're free and fit and can sleep in until 4pm and wake up with the smell of the girl/boy whose bedroom you snuck into, wait for them to get back from college. Quietly so their parents don't know you're in the house.

Nothing better.

So this scene is going to be a homage to what it is to be a teenager; that time when your only stress is what other people think of you, and you're so eager to please, so eager to learn.

Yes indeedy.

Lots of learning to be done.

Yes ma'am.

*cold shower*

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Comic 16: Bum Deal
Comic 16 is here, baby!!! 52 pages, each one of them a rare and high-quality treat, I'm sure you'll agree :D

Well, I mean... see what you think. I like this one though, it's better than the last stupid one in that shower; that was stupid. Well, they're all fairly stupid, but you know, sexy high-jinx in space is always worth a read either way.

DOWNLOAD the zip file >>>
(the download zip button is at the top of that page)
(or you can view on g.e-hentai here)

Let me know what you think :)

Sample pages:

Friday 12 June 2015

Comic audit time

 So right, someone pointed out not all the links on the comic page were active, and though they could have googled for torrents or even full d/l zips of my older comics, it would be easier if I just uploaded the comics somewhere right? There are even a few 'Shentai'-branded versions of comics kicking about, which sucks. Whoever the fuck Shentai are, they seem to want to put their logo on things they didn't create. But we forgive them for being douchenuggets, don't we, internet? Yes we do. Being Shentai is their crime, it is also their punishment xxx.

Anyway, I've uploaded the definitive versions of the comics again to my Google Drive and you can download them as zipped folders of jpegs using the links below. If you're an old fan, there's nothing new here, no secret renders or re-done scenes or anything exciting, just correct comics.

If you're a new visitor and haven't come across my comics before, it's worth noting there is an order to them, as is strongly implied by the simple numbering system. For example, '01' is the first comic, and '08' is the eighth comic. You may be able to work the rest out from there.

If you are new, the short version of what my comics are about is: well, let's be honest, incest plays a strong role. And space. And boobs and willies and bums and jokes about Ally Mcbeal and Columbo and making tea. It's basically what I wonder about when I have a spare moment late at night and I want to journey into space where ridiculously idealised males and females prance about in the buff and get inappropriately familiar with each other.

It's a wonderful, rich tapestry of nonsense that follows some slight chronological order. So if you jump in at number 05: Spymaster (for example), you would be forgiven for thinking (a) What the hell is going on?, and (b) This is shit! These would be fair statements, but rest assured if you read them in order they will likely appear less shit. And if you have a massive binge and read them all in one go, you'll likely get utterly obsessed with the whole plot and even if you thought incest was stupid before, you'll likely garner a new and unrewarding sense of the hotness of it. I did; before making these comics I had no interest in incest whatsoever! I know! True story. But now look at me; incest and manipulation are like the pivotal plot facets, constantly rearing their ugly and misshapen heads.

I'm sure Freud would give me a jolly good headbutt, but be slightly confused that my mother hasn't appeared anywhere in the comics.

Glad we've cleared that up.

Incest aside, the comics get better looking as they progress, as I learnt how to render more gooder as time went by. That's the nice thing about a hobby; if you spend hours and hours on it, you'll get better at it, even if you're an idiot.

Right. Enough about comics. What's the news with you lot then? Google now reckons 9% of my visitors are female, so we're gently improving the sausage-to-gash ratio (yes that's a gross way of putting it, no I don't care), which is super dooper.

Oh yeah, the next comic, which I very nearly basically promised in my last blog post - I know there's only an hour or so of work to be done on it, but I've been absolutely rammed with real-world events taking over my 'hobbying' time, so I'm afraid we're not on course to complete it before next week I'm afraid. Sorry about that. Not very sorry though; hey, it's a free comic. It's a good one though. So much better than Fap Club.

My goodness is it better, yes indeedy sir.

Yes indeed.

Download them in bulk:
(nb. when you click a link, the zip download icon is at the top of the page)

Download them separately:
(nb. when you click a link, the zip download icon is at the top of the page)